Burnt Popcorn for a Movie Night

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I think this might ne the last chapter, becasue im not that interested in it anymore.... I might still write in it though. But im doing a new story its called 'Actually me(action, one direction fanfiction)'

      ***LOUIS P.O.V***

Bored. Thats what I feel right now.  Gah, theres nothing to do....Oh My. STOP THE BUS! NOW BACK IT UP! I have a idea!! We can do a movie night! Yes!

"Uh, Lou? What are you doing?" Jasmine asks while everybody turns their heads to me. I look at myself and im standing with my hand in the air.

"Haha, um I thought of a idea. For tonight."

"Whats the idea?"  Liam raises his eyebrows at me.

"We can do....wait for it. We can do a movie night! Im brilliant! You can thank me later." I look at evrybody and they nod their heads.

"Yah, me, Emma, Harry, and Bailey cam pick a movie. Liam, Niall, and Zayn can get the drinks. And um, oh yah Lila and Louis go make the popcorn!" Sky points at me and Lila,  and I try to fight a smile, and shout 'Yes!'

"Everybody to their positions!" Zayn yells and runs downstairs with Niall and Liam.  I grab Lila by her wrist and pull her down the stairs with me. She starts laughing, and I let go of the grip I had. We both run into the kitchen and she pulls out 3 bags of popcorn.

"Okay, so it says to put it in for..." I start reading the back of the popcorn bag but Lila puts it in the microwave before I could finish "Hey, I was reading that. Now you don't even know how long to set the timer. " I cross my arms and look at her.

"You can just press the,"  she reaches her arm out towards the microwave and clicks a button"popcorn button." She nods her head sarcasticly.

"Oh, I knew that! I was just testing you. You know you seem smart. But I was just checking too see, if it actually was true... you know?" I try to tell her but she starts laughing. I start to smile and when she stops laughing she looks at me.

"Sure whatever you say." Lila rolls her eyes. She looks at me and I just look straight back at her, I exame her facial features. Bright blue eyes, wavy brown hair, long eyelashes, shes beautiful. I know shes doing the same to me because she looking at my face also. I take a step towards her and was about to say something when a bright orange flash was seen in the corner of my eye.

"Fire!!" I yelled.  I ran over to the microwave with Lila right beside me.

She opened the microwave door, and jumped back.

"Louis do something!" She starts slapping me on my shoulder continuosly.  "You have to do something! Louis do something, anything! Put the fire out!" She starts hitting my arm harder while yelling at me to do something.

" I dont know what to do! we've always had Liam to yell at us and do things for us and-"

"SHUT UP, AND DO SOMETHING!" Lila screams at me. Gosh shes freaking out, but not me. Nope.

"Its getting bigger! It must like the popcorn!" I try to grab the bag, and while im doing so, I notice Lila left me. Well thats just great. I turn back around and start blowing on the popcorn bag but its only making it worse! Then all of a sudden I heard a swooshing sound and I was covered in snow.

"Ah! Not snow!! I cant live like this, it's snowing inside. Someone help me!" Snow got in my mouth and it tastes really wierd "It doesnt even taste like snow!" I start to freak when I realize that the fires out.

"I did it! I put the fire out!" I yell with my hands in the air. Then I hear laughter beside me. I turn around and Everyones laughing at me. I frown and run my fingers through my hair "I didnt put the fire out did I?" I ask everyone. They all shake their heads and Niall points to Lila.

"She put the fire out. You were to busy standing their like a idiot to realize there was a fire extinguisher right beside you. "

"Oh. I knew that, I was just-"

"Loui, mate. You didnt know that and you weren't testing Lila.  You think shes smart, but you weren't testing her to see if its true. Do we really have to hear you say it, again?" Harry smirks at me. And I raise my eyebrows.

"And how do you know that I've already said it?" I ask him. He's so caught!

"We can hear you through the wall, and we watched you when the popcorn caught on fire. You actually were just standing there like an idiot." Harry tells me. Oh, well maybe he's not caught? That sucks.

"My poor food! You burnt it you, dip! Mm, dip sounds good right now..." Niall licks his lips and stares into nothing.

"Okay, so how bout that movie and popcorn? But this time ill make the popcorn and Sky can help me clean up this mess since she suggested THOSE two together" Liam points at me and Lila.

"What?! But Liam? Thats not fair!" Sky pouted.

"Lifes not fair." Liam told her and smiled. "Now clean up this mess ." Liam pointed to the ground and the microwave. Then he pointed at me "Eh, mate? You might want to clean up. Your face.."

"What do you mean clean up his face? His face is always like that!" Zayn said laughing.  I looked at him and glared at him.

"Liam, this is my house so i dont see why I have to listen to you." Lila tells Liam and crosses her arms. 

"Because if you clean up the mess, you can pick the movie." Bailey looked at Sky and scoffed.

"Shes not going to give in just like that" Bailey snaps her fingers.

"Deal!" Skylynn said and Bailey looked like she just watched a cow fly with plastic wings, while mooing her name. Haha that would be funny.

"What?! You wouldnt give in to me giving you 20 bucks so I could borrow your shoes. For a 20 minutes! And you make a deal like that? Just to pick out a movie? Im hurt." Bailey puts a hand on her chest and wipes away a fake tear.

"Wow, talk about dramatic!" I say.

"Bailey, thats because there mt favorite shoes, and they COULDNT get dirty or I'd rip your head off!" Sky smiles a sick sweetly "And I wouldnt want to do that to my best friend!"

"Im kidding guys!" I tell them.

"Um, thanks for saving me the trouble?" Bailey makes it come outas a question.

"Well, I think im kidding.." I turn my head and start to stroke my imaginary beard.

"Your welcome Bailey! " Sky says amd pulls Bailey in for a hug.

"I dont know if that was fake or if she was actually hurt, so thats why I think-" I start to talk but then everyone shuts me up litteraly. They all yell shut up.

"Well, fine guys!" I say and  sit on the clock to wait for the movie.

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