"Truth, or Dare?"

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Zayn Malick was holding my hand.

Okay now this really must be a dream. I look up at Zayn, and he didn't even seem to be embarrassed or even thinking about us holding hands. I look down before he could notice me staring at him. So, instead I try to watch the movie.

"I'm bored..." Zayn wined

"Me too" everyone chorused.

"I know what we should do! We should play Truth or Dare!!" Louis was jumping up and down. The movie was over and we were just sitting on the couch, not even talking.

"Yah!" Niall yelled.

We all sat in a circle. Me and Em were sitting next to each other. It went Louis, Me, Em, Harry, Niall, Liam, and then Zayn. We all decided Louis should go first since he was the one who thought of the game.

"OK, hmm." Loui looked around the room" NIALL!" Loui yelled scaring all of us. Niall looked at him with fear behind eyes." Truth, Or Dare?"

"Truth?" Niall said but it came out more like a question.

Louis laughed evilly.

"Is it True? When we were at that one hotel room, you walked in the lady's restroom and saw 2 women changing out of the stall? Oh, and then they both screamed and slapped you?" Louis said while smirking.

"....yes" Niall said with his face getting red. I started to laugh. Oh crap! That's the first time they heard me laugh! I probably sounded like a dog getting ran over! I looked around and none of them seemed to think I had a bad laugh. Probably because they were laughing themselves, but oh well!

" Liam, Truth or Dare?" Niall looked at Liam.

" Dare" Liam said with confidence.

" I dare you to...... Kiss Em!"

Liam looked at Emma and his face got red. They both leant forward and gave each other a little Peck on the mouth.

"Aww!" I smiled and looked at them, then I noticed all the boys were staring at me giving me looks that clearly said 'What The Hell?'

" Oh come on you guys, you can't seriously say that, that" I gestured towards them" wasn't cute!"

"I can" Harry said" We can do so much better."

"Ew!" I had a look of disgust on my face.

"Oh come on you can't seriously say u don't want all" he gestured towards his body" this."

" Oh, but Harry! I just did" All the boys looked at harry and started to say 'your going to let her get away with that?' 'you just got burned' 'Ouch, Harry you've never got turned down by a girl before!'

"Goodnight guys" Harry pretended to yawn" And you" Harry pointed towards me" I'll see you, in my dreams." He started to walk up the stairs as I yelled after him "Oh, yah? Well I'll see you in my nightmares!"

Harry turned around and rolled his eyes at me. I smiled and turned back to the boys and Em.

"Um, okay? Let's go on with the game" Louis suggests.

" Sky, Truth or Dare?" asked Liam

"Dare!" I love to do dares, there just so fun when doing Truth is just so boring.

"I dare you t-" Zayn whispers something in Liams ear and Liam smiles while wiggling his eyebrows at Zayn. Oh great? What wonder full joy have they got for me?(note the sarcasm)

"I dare you to do 7 minutes in heaven with Zayn, in that closet right there." Liam pointed at the closet.

Zayn got up and started walking towards the closet with me trailing behind. We step into the closet and I go to shut the door. I look at Em before I do, and she's wiggling her eyebrows. I shut the door.

I'm glad its dark in here so Zayn can't see me blush. Something smacks me in the face and I fall over.

"Oh my God Sky are. you all right?" Zayn asks with concern written all over his voice.

"Yah, but you kinda smacked my forehead...." I say while I rub the spot where he hit me. I can tell there's not going to be a bruise their, and it doesn't hurt that bad so I stand back up.

"Yah, I'm sorry!" Zayn says while he grabs my hand. He pulls me in for a hug."I'd never hurt you on purpose" he says so quiet that it comes out softer than a whisper. He pulls away from the hug. I lean forward and I think he does the same thing because now were kissing.

*Bang, bang, bang* We jump apart at the sound of someone pounding on the closet door.

"Come on guys!" Louis opens the door, he looks at us and smirks"Aw, do the two love birds need more time in this closet? You guys were probably snogging like cra-zay!"

"Shut up Lou." Zayn rolls his eyes.

We walked out of the closet and are greeted with solve whistles and laughing. I blush and sit back down. I cant help but think, Dang, Zayn's a good kisser!

"Hello? Skkkyyyy? Is anyone in there?" Liam waved his hand in front of my face

"What? huh?" everyone started laughing"Let's just play the dang game." I mumbled

After another hour of playing Truth or Dare almost everyone had a crazy dare. Em dared Zayn to go outside wearing just his boxers and shout "I feal so alive!!" he did it and a woman stuck her head out of the house next door and started yelling at him. Liam had to lick peanut butter of of Loui, Loui had to watch Niall eat his carrots.(which ended with Loui in tears) Niall had to cut a Curl of harrys hair and then wake him up and tell him that he's going bald. (Harry freaked) Em had to run up to a car and yell that aliens were coming. It turns out the guy was a scientist and he started telling Em about how aliens don't exist, while Em just stood there with a blank expression. And I had to climb onto the top off my house using my neighbors ladder and start singing 'Im sexy and I know it' A guy walked by and he gave me a thumbs up.

After all that fun I went to bed, and woke up in the middle of the night to Harry sleep walking and claiming he counted his curls and there was one missing and asking if I can help him.

What a crazy boy.

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