Chapter Eighteen

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"Edward. So, you finally called," Oswald says, faking nonchalance - and not well.

"Yeah, um, Lee and I are down in -"

"The South, raping and pillaging. Yeah, I saw the news."

"Not raping."

"Raping those poor people's minds!" Oswald argues. "Exposing them to grotesque sex acts -"

"Not exactly grotesque," Edward says. "That's just one reporter's point of view. The people down here are -"

"I don't care what they are. I just can't believe that I had to find out on the news how you and Lee are doing. You should have called me."

Oswald is fuming. In his mind, Edward can easily envision his scowl.

Sarcastically, Oswald says, "But apparently, your relationship with Lee is back on track."

"I don't know about that," Edward says lowly, remembering his mother and how she had left him, knowing that someday Lee will, too. She can't really -

"Oh, please, Edward." Oswald lets out an impatient sigh. "Not this again. Will you get over yourself? The two of you are fucking in public while in the midst of robbing banks. You guys are FINE. I don't want to hear any more of it."

Oswald knows him too well. He had immediately caught on that Edward's insecurities had arisen yet once again.

"Okay, enough of that," Oswald says. "I need you back up here. Strange -"

"Can it wait?" Edward says. "I've been too busy to even gather supplies to practice the art of forgery. For one thing, they only take cash down here right now. And even though you generously sent us on our way with some, it took longer to bury Kristen than expected. . . plus the price of everything has risen dramatically since the banks went down in Gotham. Things got very tight, very fast, so we had to make robbing local banks our priority. I'm afraid it's going to take me a while to be of any use to you, Oswald. I can come to Gotham then."

Oswald lets out another frustrated sigh.

Also, there's more to it than that. Edward is fairly certain that The Doc and Lee will want to stay and care for those kids at the orphanage, even though the former had been raging pissed when they left it behind. In fact, she's still fuming, sitting in a chair in the lobby of the inn they had chosen for the night, legs and arms crossed. Perhaps he can make it back to Gotham once that is all sorted.

"Fine," Oswald says. "That's just fine because what I really need is for you to you to do the remote interference of Strange's research that we discussed. By all reports it seems he's doing something odd, possibly dangerous, with Tabitha's baby. We need to stall that."

"Okay, Oswald, I'll look into it and get back to you."

"Thank you, friend," Oswald replies, then softening, he says, "And Edward?"


"Please remember that you are loved."

Edward blinks and his throat constricts. Oswald always knows just what to say.

"Thank you," he whispers gruffly, solemnly.

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