Chapter Thirty Seven

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Edward ends up spending the rest of the day and into the first half of the evening putting the finishing touches on the modified script for the Paradise Lost auditions he was going to run for the girls the next day and he also worked on preparing the theater for everything - he hated to leave any detail unfinished.

But once he was done, all he could think about was her. The Doc. She was usually in charge of her body at night - and he was horny. Very horny.

He had missed her so much while he had been away in Gotham.

The two of them had learned to be quiet during their sexual romps given that they were currently living within the orphanage itself and could potentially scare the kids if they weren't careful and made too much noise.

Edward finds her in their bed and she accidentally spills some of the dark drink from her tumbler when she turns to greet him.

"Here, let me get that for you," he says, taking the tumbler out of her hand and stripping the bed of the bedspread that had just gotten soaked.

"Hey!" she protests.

"I'll only be a minute," he answers from the bathroom, where he'd taken the bedspread to quickly hand-wash it and hang it up to dry. The thought of sleeping in soiled bedding was unpalatable to him.

Edward puts on his pajamas and finds an additional blanket in the closet to replace the soiled bedspread. But when he goes to join The Doc in bed, he notices that she's nodding off.

"Long day?" he asks as he gets into bed.

"Not really. . ." she says almost vacantly.

"Here," he spreads the blanket over the both of them, encouraging her to snuggle down with him.

But she does more than that.

She puts her head under the blanket and finds her way to the fly of his pajama bottoms so swiftly that all he has time to do is breathe in swiftly as he feels her mouth envelop his cock. Warm, wet, inviting. . . vigorous.

Too vigorous.

"Doc?" Edward says.


"I want to pleasure you as well."

"Really?" Her dark eyes shine from underneath the covers and she wiggles her ass a little. Oh god, now he's even harder than before.

"Yes!" he says and dives down into the blanket with her, turning her over, using his knee to spread her legs. But she's . . .

"Zzzzzz. . ."

Suddenly asleep. Damn.

When he awakens, he finds that Lee is prodding him. Speaking quietly, she says, "Edward. Edward."

"Mmmm." He rolls over, then rolls back. "What is it, Lee?"

"I wanted to catch you bright and early before I head off to the clinic this morning."

"What? Why?" He puts on his glasses and as she comes into focus, he notices that she looks haggard. He reaches out to her and strokes her arm. "Are you sick or something? You don't look to good."

She dismissively waves her hand and says, "Well, I do feel like shit, that's for sure. But it's nothing to worry about - I'm just hung over."

"The Doc," Edward says. It's not a question.

"Yeah," Lee answers. "She sure likes her liquor. But I pay the price. Every morning it seems like now."

"The drinking's gotten worse?" He wasn't sure that was possible. Ever since he'd run into Lee at Cherry's Place, he noticed that she'd hit the bottle pretty hard. But letting on that a hangover was bothering her? That was new.

"Yes," Lee says and hangs her head. "It would be one thing if she was the one who had to slog through the next day with the aftermath, but she's not. There's no consequences for her. And I'm the one who has to try to hide the remaining alcohol on my breath as I treat these kids."


"Anyway, Edward, what I wanted to say was, I'm sorry she conked out on you. I wanted to make love to you, too."

He goes in to kiss her and she puts up a hand, wincing. "Not now. I've got a headache."

Edward groans inwardly. This day is getting off to a great start. No release in sight.

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