"Dutch, I knew you were loosing it, but you really are becoming a real sick son of a bitch," Elizabeth spoke, her tone harsh and cold as she took a long drag of her cigar. Instantly her elegant image disappeared when the word came out her mouth. She spoke like an Outlaw.
"Do elaborate Miss. Orléans," Dutch spoke dangerously as he didn't take too kindly with being insulted like that, "atleast I ain't a hypocrite. Look at you living in this fine mansion while you left the lot of us to rot."
Elizabeth only scoffed as she crossed her free hand underneath her chest, "I left you with everything I got at the time Dutch, ain't my fault you didn't use it wisely. If you even used it at all. At least I don't go and shoot an innocent women."
There was so much hostility between the two it was suffocating as Arthur and John shuffled around their feet uncomfortable. Hosea placed a gentle hand on Dutch's shoulder, to calm him down but to also warn him. They needed her help and Dutch wasn't about to risk not getting it with his stupid pride, "your business is the reason why people are starving and working their asses off in factories!"
"Don't go blabbering your mouth as if you know a damn thing Dutch. All you know how to do is shoot a gun and give false inspirational speeches," Elizabeth snapped, her green eyes darkening as there was nothing but hatred in them when she looked at Dutch, "I pay my workers plenty and I make sure them and their family live a good life. I give back to the people, but I don't give back to Outlaws who are reckless and shoot innocent folks. Told you this world is changing, they don't want Outlaws anymore Dutch. All I did was adapt and now I'm thriving. So if I were you, I would watch what you say because I ain't the one Pinkertons and every Law man in Blackwater wants hanged."
Dutch was about to retaliate, but Hosea squeezed his shoulders roughly, stopping him. He was nearly shaking in rage as he wanted to pull out his pistol and shoot the damn women. However as soon as that thought passed through his mind, he was instantly horrified. It terrified him to even think such thoughts, even if he was angry at Elizabeth for leaving them, he would never want to kill her. Dutch saw the girl as a daughter or a sister, someone he needed to protect. Maybe she was right, maybe he was just becoming a cold-blooded murderer.
"Forgive him Eliza," Hosea used the nickname he gave her so long ago, "it's been rough on him. Rough on all of us. We need a place to stay or at least for the females in the camp to stay. One of them has a son, I'm sure you remember Abigail, she had a little boy name Jack."
John internally groaned when Hosea mentioned Abigail. The old man didn't know what Elizabeth didn't like her in the slightest bit, only ever tolerating her but never liked her. If there was any sure chance if her potentially letting them live in her mansion, it was gone now. After all, he still remembered how hurt and distraught she was when he left her for Abigail.
"A little boy you say?" Elizabeth questioned as she furrowed her brows slightly as she discarded the cigar. Directing her attention to Thomas she offered him a gentle smile, "go get some whiskey for these fine folks please," her voice was now light and cheery. Her gaze flickered back to Hosea to speak more.
"Yes, Jack. A kind boy, shouldn't be living like this but he is. If you don't want to associate with us, that's fine, but young Jack never had a choice on how his life will turn out. Never asked to be thrown in with a bunch of Outlaws," Hosea noticed a change in Elizabeth's posture as it was more relaxed and the harshness in her green eyes gone. Instead it was replaced with something else that he remembered seeing in Abigail before. His thoughts flickered to what Timothy said about her before he introduced her.
Elizabeth didn't respond right away as she hummed lightly before walking towards her desk. Opening one of the drawers she pulled out a small wooden box. When she took off the kid it revealed rather expensive looking cigars, "take one if you want, I'd like to meet Jack before I make my decision. I owe you my life and plus some Hosea, but things changed and I can't just let a bunch of Outlaws come and live with me."

Miss Orléans / Arthur Morgan x OC
FanfictionElizabeth Orléans comes from a background of unimaginable wealth from her father. Raised in the life of luxury, she adored her parents and was always a respectable little girl. However, when tragic hits and she's wearing all black at her mother's fu...