12: Threaten

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Holy shit I just finished chapter 16 and I'm shook at what I just wrote. I went in one direction and ended up driving off a cliff by the end of it. I'm not even gonna change it because I feel like it was about time that I wrote what I did, and I never knew I could write like that before. I'm shook.

"Afraid you have to wait to get the money Strauss," Arthur broke the bad news to the man when he walked over to him in the make shift camp they were in.

After the whole Downes situation, Liliana and him thought it would just be best to meet up with the rest of the gang. The women had went to the lake that was nearby to wash her face after being spit on. That left Arthur some free time read some more Elizabeth's journal in the short amount of peace he would have before Dutch would most likely stroll on in with another plan.

It's been a month since I left the gang and now I am six months pregnant. I am absolutely terrified, my father is demanding to know who the father is and I refuse to tell him. All he needs to know is that I am the mother.

However, the maids and even my father noticed something more odd and alarming about my pregnancy. They're saying my stomach already looks 8 months pregnant instead of 6, some said I look due in any minute. I have a hunch of what could possibly be causing my large stomach, but for now I need to stay calm and the maids keep pushing me to rest more. I'm so use to living life as an Outlaw that just sitting idly by is slowly driving me insane. But I need to if my kid is gonna turn out alright.

Sometimes I think about Arthur, but whenever I do all I get is heart ache. I wonder if he's happy with Mary, I very much hope he is. The man was always hard on himself and he deserves a little happiness after what happened with his first little family. Maybe that's why I left, because I know he isn't ready for another family after his first son. Or maybe I'm just being selfish, but I don't want my kid to be around Outlaws, don't want them to live that life and they way I see Arthur now, he won't ever leave that gang.


To say the least, Arthur was absolutely exhausted and when Elizabeth's mansion came to view he almost cried out in joy. The last two weeks have been hell with everyone pushing everything into his arms. Dutch had ended up getting involved with two families that were in war with one another and they were in the middle of it. Him and a few others were running around trying to play both sides in all hopes for that some gold waited for them at whatever hellish rode they decided to take.

Then he went and robbed a train with John and a few others which didn't turn out all too great. It was seemingly going well before an army of Laws came out of nowhere and they barley got out of there alive. However, Arthur had to admit that the pay in the end was good and was able to splurge a little on his guns. The bad thing was is that he now had a hole in his favorite hat that he needed to get fixed.

The only good things that came out of this was that Liliana decided to take care of Strauss debts for him. Strauss didn't seem to mind as he thought Liliana would be the perfect person to do so. Either seduce them into paying up or continuously kick them until they cough up the money. Whichever way she chooses, she'll be getting the money.

Arthur couldn't ignore however that Liliana began to cough. When he confronted her about this she only told him to not worry about her.

Throughout this whole mess he couldn't find time to read any more of Elizabeth's journal.

When he reached the mansion, Arthur dismounted his horse after feeding it a few treats and brushing her down. Elizabeth has ended up giving a few people the keys to the house and one of them was Arthur as he unlocked the fancy, over the top doors. Instantly he was greeted by a delicious scent of food that wasn't Pearson's stew.

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