6: Surviving

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By the time everyone was up and about, starting their day, a stranger came strolling into their camp. It was a women, who looked around her late twenties but her brown eyes were aged as her skin was dark. Long black hair was braided and thrown over her shoulder. Behind her back she carried a rifle and a shotgun. With her odd attire of trousers and a button up blouse, a gun holster was on her hips, two revolvers tucked away in it. To say the least, it was no wonder why several people had a gun pointed to her.

"Put your gun down!" The women hissed out, her tone thick with an Indian accent, "Rose! James! Come greet Aunt Liliana!" She then called out, confusing many in the camp.

Dutch finally came to investigate the commotion, so did Hosea and the twins, who insisted on coming with him. Before anyone could stop them, the small children ran up to the seemingly dangerous person and Arthur was ready to shoot the women right then and there if it weren't the fact that she crouched down with open arms as Rosie and James engulfed her in a hug.

"Aunt Lily!" Rosie yelled happily, a wide grin in her lips, "what are you doing here?"

Liliana chuckled as she patted her gently on the head, "I can say the same to you two. I've been gone for a month and you went and joined a gang of Outlaws!" Her tone was friendly when she spoke to them, but there was this slight awkwardness to her tone.

Dutch cleared his throat, catching the girls attention as she stood up straight after fixing James attire. She commented how it's only been a day and yet their appearance was becoming messy, "You Dutch I suppose?" Her tone lost the gentleness in it as she yawned. It was a hell of a journey here from the mansion.

"The one and only," Dutch replied, "now I assume you must be an acquaintance with Miss. Orléans considering her children are so fond of you. What do we owe you for the visit?"

"Beth wants you all to come to her house today, all together," Liliana spoke as she placed her hands on the twins shoulders.

"I was told to do it in small groups."

"Plans changed. Pinkertons and a bunch of Cornwall's men are in Saint Denis. Told Beth to let you hang here for a bit but she insisted on all of you coming now."

"Wouldn't that draw in attention?"

"Told me to take you through the long path. Meaning taking the mountains so we enter behind her house."

Dutch didn't reply after that, but just grunted in annoyance as he rubbed his chin, thinking. At this point everyone had put down their gun, considering if they're aiming at her, they're also aiming at the two kids that stood in front of her. Plus, they recognized her eyes, how it was wild and free, she was an Outlaw. Judging by how Rosie and James were comfortable around her, she was probably a friend of Elizabeth.

"I see," Dutch finally spoke, "Miss. Grimshaw! Have everyone start packing up, we're leaving as soon as everything's packed. Charles, Javier! Go out in town and try to find Sean and Micah," the orders came naturally as he was natural born leader. He had both the charisma and craziness to have anyone follow him.

Liliana staid back as she didn't feel in the mood to help everyone pack. Once the twins ran off when Jack called over to them she settled herself in by leaning against a tree. Brown eyes quietly observing the camp as she was silently trying to find the one that captured Elizabeth's heart all those years ago.

She was indeed an Outlaw just like them, but she was a lone wolf, preferring to work by herself. It was easier that way, she only needed to fend for herself and she stuck to simpl and easy crimes, ones that kept her out of too much trouble. However, unlike most Outlaws, she still kept in touch with her family.

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