The flower shop

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Chapter seventeen

Song for this chapter (I think this song goes towards how Cameron treats Mandy in the very end of this chapter, just for the fun of it I chose this song) . . .

Taylor Swift - Mean

Cameron asked the driver to pull over before Quincy street that made a right to the hospital that Taylor was being held in.

I looked at Cameron with a questioning look. He smiled. "I just wanted to get Taylor some flowers, do you mind waiting in here?," Cameron asked me, I leaned forward to see a sign read "Andy's Flowers". "Yeah sure," I said. I watched as the driver once again opened Cameron's door for him and moved aside so Cameron can continue to the flower shop.

As soon as he was gone my phone began to buzz in my square purse. I zipped it open and took my phone out to see that the caller I.D, it was Kendra. I smiled and slid the green button across my iPhone's screen and held it to my ear. "He-," before I could get the whole word "hello" out of my mouth Kendra yelled to the top of her lungs.

"Taylor Gibbs?!," she screamed, she said it a few more times before catching her breathe. "Yes, what about him?," I asked her, she was huffing and puffing over the phone I guess she was really worked up about the topic. "What about him?!," Kendra exclaimed. "Mandy you are on the cover of Devonshire newspaper!!," she said, my eyes widened. I? Mandy Worthington on a newspaper??!!

The driver looked back at me as he saw how bloodshot my face got. "Ma'm are you okay-," the driver began to ask me, but I was so nervous about why I was on a newspaper that I blurted out-- "please! I need the daily newspaper now!." The driver rushed out of the car with a fast pace, he crossed into the flower shop and thank goodness the flower shop had a newspaper stand.

The driver returned within a matter of seconds along with Cameron. The driver opened the door for Cameron who sat down and handed me the newspaper. "Thank you," I said quickly taking the newspaper. "Do you see it?," Kendra asked me. "Hold on," I replied to her, there was a moment of silence and I examined the newspaper that had anything to do with me.

And there it was, on the very front page, the headline read . .


Devonshire celebrity Taylor Gibbs has safely recovered from his previous disaster of being beaten half to death. He's now in good shape and health thanks to the witness that found him in the alley he was thrown in by his attackers.

Celebrating his recovery, parents Elise Gibbs, and Cameron Gibbs took their son Taylor to the Opera Stage to find new talent, and watch a new opening act that goes by the name "Mistress". From reviews this new rising star Mistress is becoming popular by the second as a vocalist.

At her first signing after her first act, the young women is confronted by a man who not only sexually harasses her, but tries to beat her. Taylor Gibbs steps in and saves the girl, Mistress, from the creep that tried to hurt her.

Taylor Gibbs rests peacefully at Devonshire Central Hospital today, may the hero recover quickly from his night tussle with the man he fought off last night, and hopefully we can give Devonshire more advice and news on this Mistress women.

The news paper article sat on top of the picture of Taylor sitting outside on the back of the ambulance as a paramedic checked him for wounds on the head where he had head-butted the creep last night. Taylor looked annoyed and you could tell he went to put his hand up to block the paparazzi's camera but he was too slow, they got a perfect shot of him pissed off.

"Gosh . . Isn't he cute?," Cameron sighed at the sight of Taylor being on the front cover of the magazine. "what's wrong?," I asked Cameron. "He's on the front page, which means there are probably reporters and news people at his hospital door, we have to get there quickly," Cameron looked at the driver and nodded his head slightly, giving the signal to start driving.

The driver took off at full speed down Quincy street, taking a right onto Devonshire Central Avenue, where the hospital sat on a big hill. "Also I'm going to have to sue whoever took this picture, and the man that owns the company of this newspaper that allowed it to public eye," Cameron became very serious.

It was like serious to the point that I felt like whatever I said would make him angry. "but why? they are only giving him credit for saving me," I told Cameron. "yes of course, and I'm glad my son saved your life, you have to understand Mandy, this could make my son seem aggressive and could be used against him when in the court of law or anything like that," Cameron explained.

"But why would anyone use this against him and call it aggressive? saving someone's life doesn't seem aggressive-," before I could say anything else Cameron spoke out to the driver. "stop here please, I will proceed on my own, take Ms. Worthington back to her home where she belongs," Cameron told the driver, he said the word "belongs" like I was worthless.

Like I felt as if his message were saying I'm rich and your not, you wouldn't understand anyways. I gave him a glance full of hatred, everything was fine up until that point. Cameron saw my reaction and I could tell he felt bad, but not that bad to where he should have apologize right then and there.

Instead he got out of the car and began to walk away. I told the driver to wait and I got out of the car. "you forgot something," I called out to Cameron, he turned around to face me and I threw the yellow orchids he got Taylor right at his face. He held the flowers with one hand after staring at them in surprise and bafflement that they had just touched his face.

I gave him a see-what-happens-when-you-act-like-a-dick-? Face and walked back over to the limousine where the driver opened the door for me with a smile on his face that he was trying hard to hide from Cameron. "thank you," I said to the driver as I got back in the car. "where would you like to go miss?," the driver asked me, "uhh . . Just take me home please," I told him.

He nodded and began to drive away from the hospital.

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