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Chapter Six.

"Mandy . . Honey? Are you decent?", My Father knocked on my bedroom door, and I lifted my eyes open to see that it was morning, my window was patched up with paper and tape, and I was sprawled out on my King size bed with someone next to me, their right hand was around my waist while the left was on my butt, he moaned under me as I haltered myself onto my elbow that diged into his side as I looked at my door.

This all had to be a dream. I watched my bedroom door as if I had only heard nothing. "Mandy?", my father called again, I suddenly pushed off of the person underneath me, waking him up as my bed shook from the force on his chest, he rolled over, and pulled the sheets over him.

"Mandy I'm coming in", My Father let out a warning, suddenly the door knob turned, and I whirled around to dive for my bed, and sat before the rolled up shape of Tex laying on my bed in my blankets.

My Father walked in, and stared at me. his brown hair jelled back, his fancy suit, and his gun holsters inside his coat, holding two desert eagle's. "Oh, hey Dad, Good Morning", I told him, he smiled, and stood by the door. "Good morning? Mandy, it's lunch time, twelve thirty right now", he said, I looked dumbly at the clock in my nightstand, and it read "12:30".

"Oh, well it's a Saturday what could I say?", I said jokingly, my Father smiled. "Alright, well I just wanted to let you know that your Mother is staying home today, she sick, and I am going to head to work, so I love you Mandy, stay safe", My Father came towards my bed to kiss me good-bye but I met him first and rushed off the bed to kiss him on the cheek.

He gave me a weird look as he said good-bye and closed the door, he was gone. I sighed and plopped onto my bed but my head met something meaty, and I jerked back up and whirled around to see what it was. "God that was close", Tex pushed the blankets off of him, and stood up, he still had his mask off but had a baggy white t-shirt, and some black boxers for pajamas.

"Why do you still have your mask on?", I asked him, he looked at me like 'are you serious right now?'. "No offense, Mandy, but I don't give my identity away for free", Tex said. "Fine, your welcome for the help, glad to see your better", I said beginning to get up and leave but he stopped me.

"Wait! I'm sorry I didn't mean it like that, I am very grateful", he apologized. "And, if you don't mind, I would like to break your window again so I can leave here without alerting your mother", Tex said, and I smiled at him. it was funny how he said 'break your window again' when he asked me to leave.

I shook my head, amused I said "yes, just wait for the mail man to leave after my Dad", I told him, he smiled at me and I went into my bedroom bathroom. "Do you mind if you could get me something to eat for breakfast when your done in there?", Tex was right by the door and he spoke into the wood so my Mother wouldn't have any suspicions that a man was in my room.

I opened the door to find him standing there. "How old are you?", I asked him, he looked at me surprised. "I'm sorry what?", he asked me, "I said how old are you?", I repeated, he looked at me confused, I sighed. "I saved your life could you at least tell me how old you are?", I looked at him with a serious look, and he chuckled a little.

"What?", I asked him as he had an amused look on his face. "Okay, technically you didn't save me, you patched me up, yeah and-", he began to say, but I stopped him while he was ahead. "Don't tippy toe around it, I absolutely saved you! You were broken, and bleeding to death when I found you, not to mention you broke into my house, to be somewhere safe, don't tell me you didn't just come into my house to just sit there bleeding your strength out just so you could be exposed", I exclaimed.

"Besides, your lucky I didn't call the cops, or an ambulance, because then for sure you would be in trouble", I told him. "I would have made it out, hospital, or police department", he said like he knew it all, I denied him. "No, you wouldn't have made it out, you know better than to think the police would just take you to the hospital and not cuff you down to your bed, and for the research that I've done, your an expert at fighting, that's your 'superpower', that wouldn't get you out of handcuffs", I pinned my words on him and waited for the argument to come out of his mouth.

But he just stood there for a moment in silence. "you know what . . . Forget it, i'm gone, obviously you don't want me here", he said, he walked over to my bedroom window, and ripped the paper out and tape that he had put together. I turned around, and grabbed his costume from a drawer in my dresser, and I threw it at him.

He looked at me with a mixture of surprised, but yet serious. "My Mother stitched it up for me because I told her it was for a play in my drama class, your welcome", I said, he stared at his costume with amazement in his eyes but his face was emotionless.

"I . . ", He began to say, but I turned to my bedroom door before I could hear anything that would change my mind for him to stay here, "hurry up and leave", I said, and I turned around an closed my door behind me.

"Mandy is that you?", My Mother called down from the hall, her bedroom door was cracked open. "Yeah, it's me, do you need anything?", I walked towards her bedroom door, and pushed it fully open, an turned on her bedroom light.

She laid in bed, coughing, and looking like hell. "Thank god there's no school, otherwise I would be alone in this damn Mansion, it's too big for me to be alone", My mother smiled at me as I crawled onto her bed, and curled up on her chest.

"What's wrong?", she asked me as I sighed against her chest. "Nothing, i'm just . . . Tired that's all", I told her, she rubbed my head, and kissed it. "Your more than welcome to sleep in here with me, the rents one hundred dollars an hour", she joked. I laughed, and looked up at her, to see my mother was a gift, she was beautiful, and I loved her very much, every time something was wrong, she was there to keep the laughter up, and in the air.

"I have an idea, why don't I talk to your father, and we can see if we can get you to perform at the Opera Stage tonight?", She asked me, I moaned, I loved to sing at the Opera Stage, but the man who owned it, Barney Bills, was a dear friend of my father's and he pushed anyone aside to make my father happy when he requested Barney to make a spot on the stage for me to sing.

And since the first time I sang a song by Florence + Machine - Over the love, Barney has been getting good business so he made me an official employee to perform every Sunday, and Monday. never every day or week, because he likes to tease the customers who want to see me to pay more times the money than usual act's in order to see me perform, which the price was around two hundred, believe it or not more than two thousand people come to see me.

"But it's a Saturday, and Barney is a bizarre perve Mom", I told her, "well, I'll be there to make sure he keeps his eyes to himself, plus some singing from you would make me feel better", My mom said, and I looked at her. "Ugh, fine, for you though, not Barney, and not Dad, just you", I told her, and she smiled.

"Alright, go get showered, and make-up ready, I'm going to call your father, and then we'll leave in two hours", she told me, I looked at the clock on her nightstand, it was two already, when we would leave it would be close to five, and we would eat at the Opera Stage.

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