All on our own (Lilo)

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"Can you believe that Aaron and Alexis will be here soon?" Louis asked his boyfriend Liam while rubbing his seven-month belly and sitting on the sofa. As he did the two little children within him started kicking making their other father chuckle and say "No I can't believe it. I can't wait to see you two." "It might be sooner than either of us can think you know." Liam said in his manner of fact tone. Louis nodded "That's why I don't do so much. Could you..."

At that moment Liam's phone rang. He left the room and answered the phone. When he came back he had a solemn expression on his face. "I'm needed at the office. There's a problem the boss says only I can fix and if I don't I can kiss my job good-bye. I have to go." Louis eyes glossed over and he cried "B-b-but you p-promised to s-stay with m-me." "I know sweetie. But I've gotta go now." Liam tried to reason with his fiancee. "NO I WON'T. YOU'RE STAYING HERE AND TAKING CARE OF YOUR FAMILY." But Liam didn't listen. He put on his jacket and was abouto leave without a word when Louis managed to yell "FINE THEN. I'LL LEAVE AND GO TO OUR HOLIDAY HOUSE ON MY OWN IF YOU ARE TOO BUSY WITH WORK!!"

Liam fumed and turned around and growled "I swear to god Louis if you're not here in this house resting like I want you to I promise you we'll be over." With that promise Liam went out of thedoor leaving Louis stunned and shocked with tears streaming down his face. "Screw you Liam. I'll leave if you like it or not." Louis huffed to himself before making his way upstairs to his room and packing his bags. Then he went to their babies nursery and grabbed several baby grows two packs of nappies and other important items and chucked them into another bag before storming outside to his car. "It's just you two and daddy now my darlings." Louis mumbled nervously rubbing his swollen stomach worried that maybe this wasn't such a good idea after all. Louis shook his head viscously and started the car not sparing a glance at the home that was once his.

When Liam returned he notice Louis wasn't in the living room or in the kitchen. He then checked their bedroom where he wasn't either. He slowly began to realize what happened. "Louis. You're such an idiot. Why did you leave me?" The more he thought about it the more it made him upset. Finally he couldn't keep it in anymore and started crying until he fell asleep.

With Louis:

As soon as Louis arrived he unpacked his not so heavy bag and put his things into his wardrobe before taking the twins things and putting them away. When he was finished he took one pair of each of the twins onesies and put on an oversized shirt of Liam's and went to bed. Holding his babies clothes close to him he slowly started realizing how much the three of them meant to him. But of course his pride got in the way and being confused and sad made tears roll down his cheeks. "Good night my precious darlings." he said before his eyes drooped and he fell asleep.

A few days later with Liam:

Liam was a right mess. He was currently sat on his sofa with Harry and Zayn on either side of him while a 8 1/2 month pregnant Niall kept his respective distance knowing the sight of his slightly bulging stomach would only upset his friend more. "Come on Liam. Moping around won't bring Louis and the twins back. Go get them back." Liam just stared back at Zayn with emotionless eyes. "What's the us...?" At that moment the phone rang and Harry called to Niall "Could you get us the phone please babe?" Niall came waddling back with the phone in one hand and a chicken wing in the other. He handed Harry the phone and he answered it saying "Hello?" "HARRY. OH M-M-MY GOOOD. THEY'RE COMING NOW. PLEASE. GET LIAM TO OUR LITTLE COTTAGE. I NEED HIM NOW MORE THAN EVER."

With those last words the line went dead and Harry chocked on his breath. "Liam. You should really get your moping arse up off that sofa and get to your boyfriend who's in labour as of right now." Liam shot up adn with wide eyes stared at Harry. "Are you serious?" "YES I AM NOW CALL LOUIS BACK AND STAY ON THAT GODDAMN PHONE UNTIL YOU REACH HIM!!" Harry yelled making both Zayn and Niall flinch slightly. With that Liam grabbed the baby bag and rushed off to his car hastily dialing Louis' number and putting it on loudspeaker. "Li-Li-am. P-Pl-please hurry. I n-need to p-p-push." "Don't worry babe. I'll be there as fast as I can and we'll deliver Aaron and Alexis together. Just hold on for a little while longer."

That's how it went for the next half hour Louis suffering on the floor of their holiday home while Liam muttered sweet nothings and encouragements into his lovers ear. The second he pulled into the driveway of their smaller house he spoke to Louis "Baby. I'm just outside our house. Just a couple more minutes and I'll be there for the three of you." "AHHHHHH. HURRY THE FIRST ONE'S CROWNING.OH MY GOD THIS HURTS SO BADLY!!" Liam wasted no time in hastily opening the front door and stepping into their livingroom. The sight that greeted him was one that would forever be engraved in his memory.

Louis lay in the middle of the room face red and glistening with sweat and a small head clearly visible between his legs. Liam quickly got string and two towels for the twins and a knife to cut the cords with and knelt beside the love of his life who was shaking from pain and terror.

"Li-Liam. You c-came." Louis panted looking up at Liam with tears in his eyes. "Yes boo. I'm right here and ready to help. Now on the next contraction push and the dirt baby will be here." Liam encouraged and Louis bore down in pain as the baby's head emerged from his body stretching him beyond his limits.

"The head is out. Just a couple more and either Aaron or Alexis will be here." Louis did as Liam told him to do and after the two strong pushes he gave Louis slumped back against the sofa waiting for that special sound. When he finally heard it he burst into tears and asked "Who do we have?" Liam who was chocking on his own tears placed the baby on Louis chest and simply said "Aaron." before joining Louis with the tears.

A sharp contraction brought the two back to reality and Louis bore down again fighting hard to being Alexis to this world. After her head emerged Louis was close to collapsing in exhaustion. Liam who noticed this gave Louis a reassuring kiss which strengthened Louis immensely and with one huge push little Alexis joined her brother screaming even louder than her brother.

Liam smiled brightly and gazed his beautiful familly gasping "You did it. Lou. They're both healthy and finally here. I'm so sorry for being such a jerk. I'll never leave the three of you ever again. I promise." "Come here Li." Louis said holding both Aaron and Alexis securely before pulling Liam down for a kiss. The ringing of the phone brought them back to reality and Liam answered it to a hysterically sobbing Harry who said "I'm a daddy to. Our son is here to. How are Lou and the twins?" "They're all doing beautifully. What are you two naming your son?" "Jonah Mason Horan-Styles. I've gotta go. My babies need me. Congratulations to the five of you and good luck." "Same to you guys as well Haz." With that the line disconnected.

He turned to Lou and said "Narry have their baby to. A little boy called Jonah Mason Horan-Styles." "That's lovely Liam. Do you think our boys will fall in love?" Louis asked eyes glistening. "Babe. Neither of them are barely on this earth and already you're thinking about marriage? But they'd be the best looking couple out there I'd agree but we have to wait and see."

20 years later

"Come Aar. One more and our daughter will be here." Jonah encourage holding his loves hand. Turned out that Jonah and Aaron did fall in love together. After an extremely difficult start involving alcohol and unprotected sex they'd finally admitted their true feelings and were about to become parents to a cute little girl. "DADDYYY. ALEX!!" Aaron called for his daddy who had vowed to never let Aaron go through what he had to go through 20 years ago as well as his sister who stuck by her brother through every bit of discomfort he had during his pregnancy.

The room finally filled with the beautiful sound of a baby's wail. "Felicia Abigail Horan-Payne." Aaron panted clearly out of breath. "She's beautiful Aar." Alexis said kissing her brothers head. Louis smiled and slowly left the room and left the freshly baked parents and Aunt alone with their new baby girl and niece. When Louis arrived in the waiting room he smiled at Liam and said "We did it." "We sure did boo. We sure did."


I hope this was satisfying. I really tried my best. Narry is my OTP so I had to sneak a bit of that in their.

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