For you (Zouis/Muke)

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"SHIT." Michael shouted as he felt his boxers getting wet. His boyfriend Luke woke up instantly and notices the wet patch on their bed. The two of them are currently staying at the Zouis household since Louis couldn't bare Zayn any children and Michael having the huge heart he's got offering to carry and give birth to their child.

"L-L-Luke. Get Z-Zayn and L-Louis." Michael stammered already in quite a bit of pain. Luke ran into Zayn and Louis bedroom to find the couple already awake. "We heard Michael's scream. We've already got the bag ready and have the keys so let's have a baby." Zayn said leaving to start up the car while Louis and Luke went to help Michael change his pants and led him to the car.

The entire 30 minutes to the hospital were having their toll on all four of the young guys. Zayn was at the front of the car the baby seat in the passenger seat next to him. Every time they were held up he swore so badly that Louis gave him a smack on the shoulder for every curse word he said. Mind you they were quite a few. Occasionally he would lean back and rub Michael's thigh and say "We can't thank you enough for what you're going through for us." Luke added "Hold on Mikey. We're almost there. You're doing so well."

Louis and Luke were sitting on each side of Michael and were both holding his hands trying to distract him from the contractions which were growing in intensity and pain level. Luke kissed Michael after every single contraction telling him how proud he was that he was going through this for the benefit of their best friends while Louis rubbed soothing fingers over Michael's knuckles and telling him how immensely grateful both he and Zayn were for what he's doing for them.

All Michael could do was whimper and groan as each contraction grew in intensity and pain-level. When the hospital came in sight neither Luke nor Louis or Zayn were surprised to hear Michael's sigh of relief. Zayn was quick to park the car and rush to the entrance of the hospital and get a couple of orderlies outside with a wheelchair while Louis and Luke stayed behind and grabbed the overnight-bag after which they helped Michael out of the car.

They met Zayn and the orderlies and eased Michael into the wheelchair. The orderlies briskly whisked Michael to the maternity ward and Louis Zayn and Luke gazed at each other before Luke said with a nod "You two go with Mikey. I'll sort things out at the reception." The two about-to-be-parents nodded and ran off behind their friend who was sobbing for someone to be by his side.

"WH-WHERE IS L-LUKE. I N-NEED HIM!" he cried in pain as another contraction wrecked his poor body. "Don't worry about a thing Mike. He'll be here in a few minutes. Just getting official stuff sorted out for us." Zayn said as Louis stroked through his sweat soaked hair. At that moment Luke came inside and rushed to Michael's side followed by Doctor Reynolds.

"Alright. Let's get you checked over and get this show on the road." he said as he sat between Michael's legs and checked his progress. "Looks like you're already 9 centimeters dilated. One more then you can meet your baby." Doctor Reynolds said and Zayn and Louis stood next to Michael and stroked through his soaked hair Louis murmuring "Thank you. Oh my god thank you so much Mikey."

"I j-just want it ou-out." Michael whimpered tears streaming down his face. A few moments passed before Michael gasped and yelped "N-N-NEED TO P-PUUUUSH!" This alerted Doctor Reynolds who positioned himself between Michael's legs just as he began pushing.

After a couple of pushes Michael felt an undeniable stinging which got worse and worse. Doctor Reynolds said with a huge smile on his face "I want you to relax and pant for me Michael. The baby is crowning and we don't want you to tear." Louis started panting and told Michael to copy his breathing. Afte a few failed attempts Michael managed to pant whimpering as the baby's head emerged further and further.

With a choked gasp from Michael the baby's head was born and Louis burst to tears as reality hit him. "Oh my goodness. Bubby has dark hair. So beautiful." Louis choked out while Zayn beamed down at Michael proud of what he was doing for them. "Alright Michael. One more push to free the shoulders. I'll help you with the last part and then this little sweetie will be here." "W-wait. G-give the b-baby to L-Louis. I'm d-doing th-this fr h-him."

And with a nod Doctor Reynolds held the baby's head as Michael gave a last heave freeing both the baby's shoulders in one push and Doctor Reynolds giving a gentle pull before the baby was born in a rush of fluids. Doctor Reynolds smiled and announced "You've got a beautiful healthy baby girl. Congratulations." He turned to Louis and Zayn and asked the most famous question "Would one of the fathers like to cut the cord?"

Louis beamed and said "Go on babe. You're her father just as much as I am." And with a million watt smile on his face Zayn cut the cord and a nurse took the little girl to get her cleaned up.

Louis was watching over the nurse Zayn's arm around his waist. "She's so beautiful. I'm so immensely grateful for Mikey for having gone through all that pain for us." "Yeah. He's truly amazing and unique. We should repay him somehow." Zayn replied. They turned and saw Luke cuddling with Michael who was crying into his boyfriends shoulders. Louis was handed his little girl and together with Zayn they walked over to Luke and Michael.

"Hey Mikey. Zayn and I we're think that you should name our daughter. After all you've just given birth to her." "It's one of many things we want to do for you as thanks for what you went through for us." Zayn added. Michael turned around and held his arms out for the little baby nestled in Louis' arms.

Once she was set in his arms Michael started thinking. "She looks like little Aisha Felicia Tomlinson-Malik to me. What do you think?" Louis, Luke and Zayn all nodded in agreement and Louis and Zayn kissed Michael's cheeks and Louis said "Another small surprise we have for you is a lovely house down the road from us. So you can always visit us." Michael's face lit up as he heard those words and thanked Louis and Zayn. Before the freshly baked parents left they bad Michael a goodnight the tired young guy promising to bring Aisha over the minute they were released.

Michael couldn't have wished for better friends in the entire world and while Luke's arms were wrapped around his waist he realized that he loved nobody more than his amazing boyfriend who had excepted his decision and helped him through these more than turbulent nine months.


I really hope this is ok for you Weedpleasehipstano and I hope this is ok for you.

To everyone else reading this by all means vote and comment and if you have a request comment it or PM me.

And Happy New Years to you all 💚💚💚

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