Everything's alright (Nouis)

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"Thanks a lot for letting me stay here Jay." Niall said rubbing his stomach harboring his first child with Louis. "It's not a problem at all. What is family for?"

Louis and Niall had been together for roughly eight years now. They had just graduated together and that's when Louis confessed his love to the Irish lad.

When Niall found out he was pregnant he was shocked to say the least. After being kicked out of his home by his strictly religious mother he turned to his boyfriends family who luckily accepted him and his baby and let them stay at their house.

Louis was in a band together with their three best mates Harry Liam and Zayn. They knew of Niall's little secret and so did Louis family, which made Niall feel so guilty for not telling Louis that he almost lost his little peanut at three months. After that shock Louis' mum made sure that he wasn't stressing himself out too much.

Currently Niall was seven months pregnant and having one of his guilt trips. After not having them for four months this one came as a huge one. He was sitting in the recliner in the nursery with Lottie sitting on the carpet by his feet.

"H-h-he'll hate m-me so m-m-much. B-but I w-wouldn't b-bl-blame him. Why do I ruin everything." "Niall. He won't hate you at all. Calm down please. Think of peanut." This just made Niall cry harder and neither of them noticed Niall's sweatpants getting wet.

"I'm s-such a horrible...oww. What the..." Niall screech in shock as a contraction wrecked his body. Fear spread through every fibre of his body. "L-lottie. G-get your m-m-mum p-please!" Niall whimpered. It wasn't out of spite but at that moment he needed the woman who was caring for him as if he were her own son. "Alright. I'll be right back. It'll be okay Nialler." Lottie said.

"MUM. COME QUICKLY! NIALL'S WATER BROKE AND HE SAID HE WANTS YOU!" Jay wasted no time and ran upstairs where Niall still sat in the now drenched recliner crying his eyes out. "I'm n-not ready. P-p-peanut's n-n-not ready."

"Shhh. Darling. Everything will be fine. You'll be fine and so will peanut. Now come sweetheart relax." Jay opened her arms and Niall heaved himself off the recliner and eased himself into her arms. Before he knew it he fell asleep.

~•~•~Timeskip (small)•~•~•~

Niall woke up in more pain than before. He gazed around his room and his eyes caught sight of the time. It was 2:40am. Another contraction came and he couldn't help but scream out in pain. Niall heard footsteps outside his door and a few seconds later Jay and Lottie stood by his bedside and Lottie took Niall's hand which he gladly excepted as yet another contraction took hold of him.

Niall tried breathing deeply but as time went by he found it more and more difficult. "Sweetheart. I need to check how far you dilated. Can you spread your legs after Lottie removed your pants?" Niall nodded and after his pants were gone and he was checked Jay smiled and said "You're dilated 8 centimeters. Two more to go before we get to see the newest addition to our family."

"Do you know if the baby is a boy or a girl?" Lottie asked excited to meet her niece or nephew. "No. I was so busy with thinking how to tell Louis that the gender was something I didn't even start to think of. But regardless what the gender is I'll love my baby to the ends of the earth and back."

Jay and Lottie smiled at that and before they all knew it Niall began to feel the urge to push. "Lottie. Get me lots of towels and a kitchen knife a bowl and a kitchen knife. Put the knife in the bowel and bring everything back here." Lottie nodded and ran off

Jay turned to Niall and checked him again after which she gave him the ok to push. During each push Niall thought to himself 'Please be ok. Please be ok. Please be ok.' "Ok Niall. I want you to pant the head out so you don't tear. Can you do that for me angel?" Niall nodded and began panting. At that moment Lottie came back with said equipment and went back to holding Niall's hand.

With a surprised yelp the baby's head emerged and Jay held her arms out for the baby with a towel underneath them. She turned to Lottie and whispered "Can you call an ambulance since this little one is two months early." "Of course mum." Lottie turned and went to call the ambulance.

After the baby had turned Jay rubbed Niall's thigh saying "Niall. The cord isn't around the baby's neck which means you can give me a long good push to get the shoulders out alright love?" Niall just bore down yelping in pain as both shoulders were released and with another push Niall had successfully given birth to his first son together with Louis.

To Niall's complete and utter shock his son didn't cry. "J-Jay? Wh-why isn't my b-b-baby crying?" Terrified at possibly losing his son Niall's shimmering pain filled eyes turned to Jay but before he could say anything else paramedics were already in his room checking him and his son. After the first quick check-up Niall and his unnamed son were wheeled into the ambulance and driven to the hospital.

•~•Another short time-skip•~•

The next time Niall woke up he was laying in a hospital bed with someone holding his hand and crying "Oh my beautiful baby boy. I'm so proud of you. He's such a beauty. I can't even begin to describe how happy I am right now." "Lou?" Niall croaked.

Louis eyes were brighter than ever and he hugged his snowflake scared to lose him. "I'm so sorry for not telling you about our so...is he alright Lou? Oh my goodness I have to be with him." Louis grabbed Niall's arms and pulled him into a hug and said "It's ok snowflake. He's alright. He's hooked on a breathing tube and feeding tube and the doctors say he's very healthy considering how early he was born. They say if he continues to show such amazing results we can take our prince home soon."

"So you're not mad at me at all?" Niall asked dreading the answer. "You have given me a family. The greatest gift anyone can give and you've given it to me. True I was a little hurt but seeing my two precious baby boys makes it all forgotten."

"What do you want to name our little man?" Louis asked having moved to cuddle with Niall in his arms. "What do you think of Ethan? Ethan William Tomlinson-Horan?" "It's a gorgeous name. Just perfect for our baby." Louis said feeling so happy and content laying here with his boyfriend and their son close by.

"I love you my angel." "I love you to my rockstar."


I hope you enjoyed it 1Dforevaandalwaysxx. I also hope everyone else does to 😊💚❤️

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