Surprise triplets (Ziall)

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"And here we are. Happy birthday babe." my amazing boyfriend said finally uncovering my eyes revealing a huge theme park. I couldn't believe it. After not having been here for a while I was finally here again thanks to my one and only love. "THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU ZAYNIE. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!" I squealed hugging the daylights out of my boyfriend and not noticing the pains in my lower stomach or how my pants got wet.

My eyes suddenly caught sight of my favorite ride and excited as I was I dragged Zayn to it. As we got our tickets and seats the pains kept increasing to a point where I couldn't keep in my moans of discomfort. Suddenly I felt something make its way out of me. I knew it was too late to turn back and luckily I managed to mask my screams of pain as screams of excitement.

As the roller coaster rose to its highest point it slowed down until it stopped completely. The view was beautiful but sadly I couldn't enjoy it since I was forced to ride out the pain holding Zayn's hand in a death grip.

Zayn's POV
I was really starting to get nervous. Poor Niall was sweating next to me and I could tell he was in pain. My mind was spinning trying to figure out how to help my poor baby. I was beyond panicking at this point but kept a cool facade until the ride came to a complete halt and I heard Niall whimper "Z-Z-Zayn. H-help me...p-please."

Niall's POV

By this time whatever was inside me was pushing against my insides wanting to get out. "Z-Z-Zayn. H-help me...p-please." I whimpered trying desperately to find a position good enough to give "it" space to finally leave my body. Zayn hearing my plea helped frantically asked "What do you want me to do?" "J-just get that thing out of m-me. PLEASE!" I screamed as something finally gave way. I thought naturally that I finally made it but another pain had me grunting and pushing once more and after the second push I felt something quite large and warm in my boxers causing me to gasp out "Z-Zayn. My b-b-boxers. Something is in them. Get it out now."

Zayn's POV

When I heard that I gingerly put my hands in my boyfriends trousers and to my absolute shock I pulled out a little baby. "Oh my god Niall. just...gave birth. We h-have a...s-son." Niall started crying at my words and reached out his arms for our little boy.

Once our son was securely tucked in my jacket and in his daddy's arms Niall softly stroked his soft hair and said "Well you're one heck of a surprise my little Aiden Javaad Horan-Malik. But your papa and I love you so much my little angle."

I couldn't have agreed more with Niall there but we were both snapped out of our trance as the owner of the ride announced that the ride was working again and coming slowly to an end as a respect for Niall which had surprised me since I didn't know how the heck he knew. I was just really glad that Niall and our son were safe.

Niall's POV

As the ride started moving again I hadn't moved positions at all since I felt the pain start all over again. "Z-Zayn. I th-think Aiden ha-has a s-sibl-ling." I automatically started pushing again and felt the familiar stinging again which meant another head almost being out. I whimpered and held out my hand for Zayn to take which he did. "Hold on my darling. We're almost there. I'm so proud of you." he said kissing the back of my sweaty head. I grunted and squealed as the second baby's head was finally out. That's when I realized just how dizzy the ride was making me. "Zayn. I..." Luckily the ride came to an end as Zayn took Aiden and I received a plastic bag from the owner and threw up in it just as our second baby was born yet again in my boxers.

Zayn's POV

I was holding Aiden in one hand and rubbing Niall's back as he threw up in the bag the kind owner of the ride handed him. "Thank you so much for your consideration." I said to which the owner just shook his head and said "Don't worry about it son. I could tell both of you were panicking and I'm not a nasty person. Oh and before I forget an ambulance is on its way."

After repeating my thanks I turned back to Niall and got our daughter out of the tight space. I held her close to my chest together with her brother until I heard Niall's weak voice asking to have his baby.

"W-what do we h-have this time?" "We have a beautiful little girl. What do you want to name her?" "Ashlynn Amina Horan-Malik?" "It's beautiful." I couldn't help the smile that spread across my face as I looked at my entire world in front of me. Suddenly a siren was heard wailing and to be quite frank I couldn't wait to get away from this chaotic theme park. As the paramedics hauled Niall and our twins into the back of the ambulance I heard Niall screeching out in pain again.

Niall's POV

And here I thought it was all over. Thankfully the paramedics were quick to remove my soiled trousers and boxers and for that I was extremely grateful. I don't think I could stand that heavy and uncomfortable feeling for a third time. One of them quickly checked over Aiden and Ashlynn deeming them both perfectly healthy before the other said "You're crowning. Give me a huge push and you'll be having your third baby soon."

I couldn't bare this a third time so in order to keep myself from panicking I searched for one of Zayn's hands and grabbed it as I strained to get the third and hopefully last baby out of my body. "The head is out babe. Two big pushes and we'll have our third baby." "Your boyfriend is right about that. You're doing a great job love." the paramedic between my legs reassured me.
During this time the baby had turned and I have one huge heave and felt the little body leave my body.

As I finally heard all three cries of my children I couldn't help the tears of happiness stream down my face. The second paramedic took our third baby while the first checked my stomach for any other babies before saying "You don't have to worry. That was the last one. Now just one last push to get the afterbirth out and then it's all over." I didn't even acknowledge the disgusting thing leave my body. I was to mesmerized by the sound of my darling children to even care about anything else.

Zayn's POV

When I saw Niall crying it caused tears of my own to escape my eyes. The paramedic gave me Ashlynn before handing Aiden and his youngest sister to Niall. I was by his head in an instant telling him repeatedly how proud I was of him.

"You really don't hate me?" This sudden question shocked me. "Why would I hate you. You have me the most precious gift. And even if we didn't know and they came at the most inconvenient time I wouldn't trade the four of you for anything. You're my entire world. Now what do we want to call our youngest daughter?" "What about Sheila Saniya Horan-Malik?" "I think it's beautiful just like you. You have no idea how happy and proud you've made me today. I love you." "I love you to. I love you so so much."

With a long lingering kiss I laid my head next Niall and just spent the remainder of the ambulance ride just staring lovingly at our children together with the sweetest boy imaginable next to me. I couldn't have wished for a better surprise than that.


I hope you like it canY0ul0veMe and that it's not too long.

As for all the others. I've come to the conclusion that I would have a better overview if you sent me your requests to my inbox. That way I have a better overview.

Please vote and comments tips and/or suggestions. And see you next time. ❤️

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