chapter 3 gym class

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  Toralei's pov
The next day I entered the room that ___ was staying in. I saw that he was laying on the bed with the blanket over his face. A slight smile crossed my face as I walked over to him and blushed the blanket off. I saw that he was still sleeping with some drool down the side of his mouth. I blushed slightly as I realized that he looked really cute like that. But I wiped the drool from his mouth before placing a hand on his shoulder, shaking him slightly. ___ slowly opened his eyes causing me to smile.
"It's time go to school, sleepy head" I said
"Ten more minutes?" He asked sleepily
I giggled slightly befor telling him that he had to get up now. ___ groaned slightly before getting out of bed.

Reader's pov
Toralei had given you a ride to school that morning which you thanked her for. But, like normal, she told you not to worry about it. She also said that she'd was happy to drive you to places. Once youse arrived at school, Toralei parked her car before youse both got out of the car. Toralei locked the car before youse walked towards the school. But the two of you were instantly stopped by Nick Tyson. He began to say something but Toralei told him to shut up. Nick looked towards her and growled. Toralei tried to pick a fight with him but you grabbed her by the shoulder causing her to look at you.
"Please..." You said "... Don't"
Toralei gave a sigh before the two of you walked right passed Nick. Nick began to laugh. You and Toralei both entered the school and went straight to gym class. After youse had gotten dressed you walked over to Toralei and saw that she was wearing her gym clothing which consisted of a custom made black gym shirt that had an orange tiger head on the back and the monster high logo on the front. She was also wearing black shorts and white sneakers. She gave you a smile. You smiled back at her. You had a heart condition that caused you to have coughing fits, chest pains and extremely bad sweating when you do running and sports and gym class. The couch wanted everyone to start with ten laps.
"___" Toralei said "Would you like to sit this one out?"
You shook your head no before telling her that you could handle this. Toralei smiled befoer saying ok. The first five laps were good. But on the sixth lap your chest began to hurt as you started to sweat badly. That's when the coughing started. Toralei stopped you before taking you over to the bleachers.
"Sit down" She said
Youse both sat down. You were breathing deeply and heavilly. Toralei told you sto stay there. She then stood up and began doing some stretches. A slight smile crossed your face as you just watched her. You thought that she looked really cute doing so. Soon class finished and everyone went to the locker rooms. You looked towards Toralei.
"Go in and wait for me" She said "I'll be in soon to check your vitials after I get dressed"
"Ok" You said
You entered the locker room and just waited for Toralei.

Toralei's pov
I was changing in the girls locker room. I had completely striped my clothing before grabbing my normal clothing from my bag before changing into them. Once I had changed I quickly shoved my gym clothing into my bag before leaving the girls locker room. I walked towards the boys locker room but a group of boys was stopping me from entering. All it took was me growling at them before they moved. I entered and shut the door in their faces. I walked over to ___ and saw down next to him before checking his vitials. They seemed fine.
"Everything seems fine to me" I said
"Really?" He said
I gave a nod. That's when I told him to get dressed. I just sat there and waited while he was dressing. I had my eyes closed before I didn't want to perv on him. I was soon tapped on the shoulder causing me to open my eyes and looekd at ___. I saw that he was dressed so I got to my feet and took a hold of his hand. That's when we both left the locker room, and the Gym, holding hands.  

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