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Nickname: La Belle Province

Human Name: Jeanne Jacqueline Rébecca Labelle Tremblay

Age: 22 Years Old

Gender: Female

Birthday: June 24th

Brief Historical Background: In his first expedition ordered from the Kingdom of France, Jacques Cartier became the first European explorer to discover and map Quebec when he landed in Gaspé on July 24, 1534. Decades later, Samuel de Champlain founded the Habitation de Québec (present-day Quebec City) and made it the capital of New France on July 3, 1608. Following the French and Indian War, Britain obtained and reorganized New France, creating the Province of Quebec on June 22, 1774. Quebec eventually split away from Upper Canada (Ontario) to become Lower Canada in 1791, however, the regions rejoined in 1840 in order to assimilate French Canadiens who had a couple of years ago tried rebelling for independence. Unsurprisingly though, that only resulted in increased tensions between English-speaking and French-speaking Canadiens, resulting in Quebec becoming its own province again upon the creation of the Canadian Confederation in 1867.

Provincehood: July 1, 1867 (Part of the First Four)

Height: 176 cm (5' 9")

Hair Colour: Icy Blonde

Eye Colour: Iris Blue

Notable Traits: She has wavy shoulder-length hair that's sometimes dyed black. She has light skin with freckles along her arms. She has a beauty mark around the right corner of her mouth. She's known to be quite fashionable, often wearing a stylish assortment of sweaters, layered camisoles, long-sleeved crew necks, semi-formal dresses, blazers, parkas, pea coats, barn jackets, covert coats, short skirts, leggings, tights, snow boots, fashion boots, berets, tuques, scarves, belts, L'Assomption sashes, bustiers, and Wonderbras. She smokes on an infrequent basis.

Favourite Foods & Drinks: All-dressed Chips, Caribou (drink), Hot Chicken Sandwiches, Maple Taffy, Montreal Hot Dogs (aka Steamies), Montreal-style Smoked Meat, Peanut Butter Dumplings, Pets de Sœurs (aka Nun's Farts), Poutine, Tourtière

Likes: Architecture, Box Lacrosse, Ice Hockey, Snowmobiling, Trivia Pursuit

Dislikes: Ghosts, New York-style Bagels, Ontario, Table Syrup, The Catholic Church

Personality: Elegant and Snobby. Elegant and Snobby. Born under the lilies and grown amongst roses is the beautiful blue flag belonging to the one and only Québécoise. She's an unruly habitant, best remembered as the peak embodiment of French Canada, for better and for worse. While the jazzy Quebecer gets special credit for popularizing a lot of Canada's cultural icons such as ice hockey and internet pornography, she comically comes off as a smug black sheep that likes to bitch and moan about mistrust and unfairness in a vast land of Anglophone assholes. Quite frustrating for the lone Francophone to get bashed constantly for being a wayward wine-sipping weirdo, regardless of any complaint being sincere and reasonable. They all carelessly forget how much the poor beauté has gone through to preserve her cool and unique identity. Having over a century ago been coerced to act like a superstitious sacre-speaking traditionalist, she has since taken the liberty to quietly transform her risqué character into a superstitious sacre-speaking nonconformist who can better fit in high society. But no matter how much time has passed or how much she has changed, they still can't stand the cocky coquette and her crude sense of humour, which is a damn shame. Nothing she does seems to satisfy the têtes carrées (square heads), so perhaps the best solution for her is separation from the rest of the country. Maybe then they'll start treating her seriously with some dignity.

+ She has an entire pantry stocked full of Pepsi and Kraft Dinner.
+ She likes to eat a combo of spaghetti and all-dressed pizza, so much so that she'll sometimes eat them as a combination called "pizzaghetti."
+ She has the ability to summon a flying canoe that can swiftly reach any destination. However, she must form and obey a pact with the Devil in order to use it. Should she break any of its terms, she may find herself flying forever on the canoe in the depths of Hell.
+ She often practices an April Fools' tradition in which she'll tape a paper fish onto somebody's back without their notice.
+She and Ontario often wager on the outcome of every postseason series between the Montreal Canadiens and the Toronto Maple Leafs, with the loser being punished to wear the jersey of the winning team, which is either La Sainte-Flanelle (The Holy Flannel) or "une abominable feuille d'érable" ("an abominable maple leaf ").


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