Northwest Territories

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Nickname: Land of the Polar Bear

Human Name: Yura Williamson

Age: 21 Years Old

Gender: Female

Birthday: July 15th

Brief Historical Background: Several groups of First Nations and Inuit had settled in the vast region prior to the arrival of Europeans. In 1670, part of the region became Prince Rupert's Land under the administration of the Hudson's Bay Company (HBC) while the rest north of it became the North-Western Territory. A couple of centuries later, the administration of Rupert's Land and the North-Western Territory was transferred by the British Crown to the Dominion of Canada. That in turn resulted in the North-Western Territory becoming the North-West Territories. The region had since shrunk to its current-day size after the creation of several provinces and territories.

Confederation Date: July 15, 1870

Height: 160 cm (5' 3")

Hair Colour: Jet Black

Eye Colour: Greyish Purple

Notable Traits:  Her hair is parted down the middle and woven into two long braids. She has tawny skin with kakiniit (tattoos) on her hands. She typically wears a deerskin dress decorated with beaded fringes and a pair of brown mukluks; she'll often wear a white long-tailed amauti (parka) in cold weather. She possesses a copper ulu (all-purpose knife). She's multilingual in several First Nations and Inuit languages.

Favourite Foods & Drinks: Arctic Grayling, Berry Tarts, HP Sauce, Jellied Moose Nose, Lake Trout, Lake Whitefish, Nipku (Dried Caribou), Northern Pike, Polar Bear Stew, Salmon Jerky

Likes: Auroras, Ethnobotany, Jewelry, Kayaking, Sewing

Dislikes: Animal Activists, Boarding Schools, Computers, Store-Bought Food, Tickles

Personality: Aloof and Shrewd. Know to always be careful around this sharp-tongued woman. The stoic Yellowknife may look tame without a blade in her hand, but she has a scary reputation akin to a territorial polar bear. That's because she holds strong suspicions against outsiders, stemming from a powerful grudge against the Canadian Crown, whose policies have done lots of harm to her and her people. After witnessing decades of deception and neglect, she has come to believe the best choice for survival is to rely on herself rather than a higher power. Therefore, she prefers to be left to her devices, living a solitary and traditional lifestyle that aligns with her beliefs and makes use of the land around her. Her only exception to that strict principle is a soft spot for her fellow territories whom she sees as younger siblings. Aside from them, anybody else will have a hard time gaining her trust and respect without feeling discouraged by her harsh demeanour. Even then, she can still act stern and standoffish out of sheer stubbornness, stubbornly refusing to show sentimentality whatsoever. That way, people feel less inclined to mess with a salty shrew like her than a slow-witted softie who can be fooled and exploited rather easily.

+ Other names she's sometimes called include Nunatsiaq, Denendeh, and Bob. The last of which is usually said to get an annoyed reaction out of her.
+ Anti-seal clubbing campaigns in the 1970s and 1980s dramatically affected her way of living. To this day, she's still mad about it.
+ She owns a licence plate shaped like a polar bear.
+ She isn't well versed with computers or smartphones in addition to having little interest in social media and internet discourse.
+ She's very protective of Nunavut, having raised her for a few decades prior to her acceptance as a new territory.


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