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Nickname: The Keystone Province

Human Name: Toba R.R. Friesan

Age: 18 Years Old

Gender: Male

Birthday: May 12th

Brief Historical Background: Manitoba was inhabited by several indigenous people of the First Nations, some of whom intermingled with European settlers to create the first Métis people in the 17th century. Within that period, King Charles II of England created the Hudson's Bay Company (HBC) and granted them control of the region, which was then named Prince Rupert's Land. While conducting business in the territory throughout the 18th and 19th centuries, the HBC issued the Selkirk Concession to Thomas Douglas, 5th Earl of Selkirk, around 1811–1812, allowing him to establish the Red River Colony (aka Assiniboia or the Selkirk Settlement). The inhabitants of the Red River Colony continued to operate under the HBC until 1869 when control over Rupert's Land was transferred to the Dominion of Canada without the consent of its populace. That in turn triggered a rebellion, prompting the Canadian government to create the Province of Manitoba and provide for its entry into the Confederation in 1870.

Provincehood: July 15, 1870 (5th)

Height: 175 cm (5' 9")

Hair Colour: Dark Chestnut Brown

Eye Colour: Jet Grey

Notable Traits: He has a wings hairstyle. He has ruddy skin. He wears black rectangle glasses. In cold weather, he typically wears a capote coat made from a Hudson's Bay multi-striped point blanket with a red Acadian L'Assomption sash wrapped around the waist, completing the warm outfit with Métis-style gauntlets, black pants, beaded moccasins, and a red wool toque. In warm weather, he simply wears a dress shirt underneath a Metis-style beaded vest without a coat.

Favourite Foods & Drinks: Farmer's Sausages, Fat Boy (hamburger), Flapper Pie, Honey Dill (sauce), Imperial Cookies, Pan-fried Pickerel, Schmoo Torte, Smoked Goldeye, Vinarterta, Winnipeg-style Rye Bread

Likes: Crokicurl, Métis Fiddling, Red River Jigging, Spongee, Stamp Collecting

Dislikes: Floods, Mosquitoes, Ontario, Speeding, Theft

Personality: Austere and Moody. A lot of people outside his circle tend to peg him as cold and rude due to his dull and deadpan appearance despite his claims of being the complete polar opposite. Though in all fairness, there's some truth in these polarizing assertions. For sure, he's friendly and polite. He'll sometimes grumble like a penny-pinching grump, but he's usually good and collected for the most part. The only exceptions are rough and unpredictable situations in which he's insulted or treated unfairly, causing his blood to turn freezing cold at the flip of a dime and making him act mercilessly against those who offend him deeply. His older peers can attest to that, having known him well in the past as a snarky mischief-maker who got mixed reactions for having a sense of integrity and individuality that made him stand strongly at odds against those who brush him off with little respect. He has since chilled out and matured a whole lot, only getting into casual mischief on occasion, but make no mistake about this Métis man. He's truly the silent embodiment of Canadian winter: a cold-hearted cheapskate capable of giving icy glares and sending chills down people's spines should something or someone terrible put him in a spiteful mood. Only in the presence of warm-hearted folk does his chilly persona melt away, revealing a nice man who appears no different than the average Canadian.

+ Possible names for his middle initials include Rupert, Roy, Red, Riviere, and Riel.
+ He likes to make and drink a mixture of different Slurpee flavours.
+ He has acquired a taste for licorice thanks to Iceland.
+ He almost always leaves the doors to his car and house unlocked in spite of criminal concerns, claiming it's out of precaution in case he needs to escape a polar bear. In truth, it's simply a poor excuse for a bad habit.
+ One of his favourite pranks to pull on Ontario is meat/salami shouldering, in which he tries to stealthily place a piece of deli meat on the unsuspecting target's shoulder.


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