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Nickname: Our Land

Human Name: Yuka Williamson

Age: 9 Years Old

Gender: Sipiniq (Third Gender)

Birthday: July 9th

Brief Historical Background: Much of the region was once called the District of Keewatin, existing from 1876–1905 as a territory of Canada before becoming the Keewatin Region of the Northwest Territories. Fast forward to 1976, the Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami (then called the Inuit Tapirisat of Canada) and the Canadian federal government began discussing the division of the Northwest Territories as part of the land claims negotiations. A plebiscite on the division was then held in April 1982 throughout the Northwest Territories, concluding with a majority of the residents voting in favour of it. That ultimately led to a 1992 referendum that decided in favour of ratifying the Nunavut Land Claims Agreement, which happened on May 25, 1993. The Canadian Parliament later passed it along with the Nunavut Act on June 9, 1993, completing its transition on April 1, 1999.

Confederation Date: April 1, 1999

Height: 136 cm (4' 5")

Hair Colour: Soft Black

Eye Colour: Baby Blue

Notable Traits: Her hair is styled into a single short braid with hair loopies. She has small eyes. She has tawny skin. She has a round face and a flat nose. She typically wears a white skirt-style amauti (parka) made from caribou, a pair of gray trousers made from sealskin, a pair of brownish-gray kamik (boots) designed with a horizontal pattern over layers of socks, a pair of bulky mittens, a pair of snow goggles over her head, and a tricolour Pang hat.

Favourite Foods & Drinks: Arctic Char, Candy, Caribou Stew, Muktuk, Ptarmigan Stew, Roasted Musk Ox, Seal Ribs, Soda Pop, Soy Sauce, Sriracha

Likes: Drum Dancing, Narwhals, Thanksgiving, Throat Singing, Toys

Dislikes: Alcohol, Cigarettes, Climate Change, Hunger, Pranks

Personality: Imaginative and Naïve. Though easy to forget at times, it's almost impossible to dislike this cute and curious child who happens to be the youngest amongst the Canadian provinces and territories. She possesses an ingenuous soul, so free from the stressful happenings of society lying south of the vast tundra. It has become a golden rule for older peers to protect the gullible girl from coming into contact with impure and negative influences, which isn't always easy to do. Not to say she isn't good or gracious. Rather it's because her impressionable and inattentive mind tends to wander out of fickle curiosity, which can often land her in unpredictable situations and lots of trouble. Still, she remains clueless and innocent to their concerns, thinking they don't need to worry and act so protective of her youth and purity. After all, the young Inuk has proven already to be capable of surviving subarctic conditions without ever feeling sick or having the slightest fear of her bleak surroundings. Despite their excessive worries, however, their warmth overall gives a great sense of comfort and courage to get through tough times. For that reason, she's always appreciative and responsive to their company.

+ Food insecurity is a widespread problem for Nunavut. Groceries can often cost over $100 per week, largely attributed to the high costs of transporting goods to her home. Therefore, she's heavily reliant on country food to keep herself and her people fed, often snacking every hour between two main meals per day.
+ Her favourite catchphrase is "Ujuk!" She likes to shout it when announcing meals to people. It means "cooked meat."
+ One of her favourite traditions is Parlavuut, which usually involves a candy toss to a crowd of people on New Year's Day in celebration of first-ever harvests.
+ She's a big fan of Avatar: The Last Airbender, so much so that she styled her hair after her favourite character in the animated TV series. Knowing her love for the franchise, her older peers thought it would be a good idea to surprise her with tickets to see its 2010 film adaptation in theatres for her birthday. She tried to be happy after watching it, however, her disappointment was quite painfully obvious for the others to feel sorry for giving her such a bad gift.
+ She likes to talk to her "imaginary friends" whenever they appear to keep her company. One of them is "Aumanil" who's very kind and has the ability to control whales. Her other friend "Tariaksuq" likes bringing her food but dislikes her making direct eye contact.


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