British Columbia

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Nickname: The Pacific Province

Human Name: Victoria Lee

Age: 18 Years Old

Gender: Female

Birthday: August 2nd

Brief Historical Background: Much of British Columbia originally came under the control of two British fur-trading companies: the Hudson's Bay Company (HBC) established New Caledonia in the north-central interior around 1805 and the North West Company established the Columbia District in the south interior around 1810. After the North West Company merged with the HBC in 1821, the Columbia District became the Columbia Department until 1846 when the Oregon Treaty divided the territory and made its name obsolete, consequently creating the Colony of Vancouver Island in 1849. In contrast, New Caledonia became popularly known for the whole mainland as well as the discovery of gold in the vast region, creating the Colony of British Columbia as a result in 1858. Meanwhile, Vancouver Island throughout its existence continued to struggle with its financial difficulties, ultimately forcing the colony to merge with British Columbia in 1866. Five years later, British Columbia became a province of the Canadian Confederation in 1871.

Provincehood: July 20, 1871 (6th)

Height: 172 cm (5' 7")

Hair Colour: Seal Brown

Eye Colour: Jade Green

Notable Traits: She has long wavy hair styled in low pigtails with white ribbons. She has almond-shaped eyes. She wears grey rectangle glasses. She typically wears a private school uniform, which consists of a white dress shirt, a striped necktie, a navy blue cardigan, a red pleated skirt, a pair of black knee-high stockings, a pair of black dress shoes, and a red beret; she also carries a canvas satchel containing a camera and drawing supplies. Other clothing items she likes to wear include blazers, rain jackets, Cowichan sweaters, yoga pants, leather boots, running shoes, and red mittens.

Favourite Foods & Drinks: Butter Chicken Pizza, Dungeness Crab Tacos, Hot Smoked Salmon, Ice Wine, Japadogs, London Fog (drink), Nanaimo Bars, Spot Prawns, Salt Spring Island Lamb Chops, Uramaki Sushi

Likes: Bathtub Racing, Filmography, Forests, Hot Springs, Outdoor Recreation

Dislikes: Asian Giant Hornets, Deforestation, Mountain Pine Beetles, Pollution, Snow-washing

Personality: Brilliant and Composed. Personifying Canada's Left Coast is a laid-back liberal arts student, known to be super cool with cannabis and passionate when it comes to preserving the natural world around her. Quite predictably, she's naturally popular among health-conscious tree-hugging hippies and like-minded left-leaning peers, most of whom admire the mellow culture of this likeable young lady and her artistic vision to create the best place on Earth. After all, it's an important part of her job as an educated environmentalist to better and protect the blue planet and its people. Of course, not every decent person has the capacity or courtesy to fully appreciate her artistry, such as critics who doubt the ace academic is capable of adhering to her own principles. That's largely due to the highbrow beauty being too self-absorbed in her ideals and interests to see or admit their flaws outright. Unfortunately, this toxic obsession has caused the conceited Canuck to neglect other important priorities that make up the bigger picture of the province's prosperity. As a result, it has put the hapless hipster in an awful and anxious situation, in which she's barely able to afford the steep costs needed to sustain the splendour of these high standards. In spite of these stressful hardships, however, she somehow manages to keep calm (with the help of some weed to give her some resemblance of happiness). So long as her spirit remains strong and positive, she sees no reason to give up on her stellar aspirations for greener pastures in her beautiful homeland.

+ She's largely irreligious, believing God is not a person.
+ She claims the creation of several uramaki: the B.C. roll, the California roll, the dynamite roll, the golden roll, the rainbow roll, and the spider roll.
+ She secretly likes Starbucks. Don't tell her Canadian peers that.
+ She's known to grow her own cannabis for medical purposes, mainly to treat anxiety and insomnia.
+ It's illegal to kill Sasquatch in her home.


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