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it's wednesday when felix notices something's wrong.

"why aren't you going to the library?" he asks, eyeing jeongin suspiciously.

seungmin pipes up. "oh yeah, you normally start heading over at this time."

jeongin shrugs, a seemingly stoic expression plastered on his face. "we've reduced the time to two days since i'm doing much better."

his two friends nod, not seeing anything wrong with this, as they walk out to the buses.


chan boards the bus and sits down at an empty seat. after some time, the bus driver closes the door and chan breathes a sigh of relief, thankful that he is sitting alone.

however, just as the bus is starting up to drive away, a student runs up. chan hopes the driver will just drive away, but he opens the door and the student steps on.

and just to chan's luck, the boy sits right beside him.

"hey," the boy says, giving a warm smile.

"are you always late?" chan snaps back, running his fingers through his hair.

the boy gives a quiet laugh, shaking his fringe out of his face. chan is almost reminded of a bear whenever he looks at him.

"not usually, i was just helping minho - oh, he's my friend - stuff his gym clothes in his backpack. apparently the teachers found out he hadn't taken his clothes home in a month and forced him to."

chan can't fight the amused smile that makes its way into his face. "is this the minho that's dating jisung minho?"

the boy nods, eyes lighting up. "yeah, how'd you know?"

chan shakes his head. "sounds like something he'd do."

it's quiet for some time before the boy asks, "what's your name?"

"chan," he replies. "yours?"


chan nods and they go back to their comfortable silence.

"i don't mean to be nosy," woojin says unexpectedly, "but i couldn't help but notice you kind of looked annoyed. especially when i sat down. do you just not like people or . . . ?"

chan sighs, causing woojin to put his hands up in surrender.

"you don't have to tell me anything," he explains, "just if you need someone to talk to."

chan sighs again, thinking things over.

"have you ever . . . liked someone? as in, having a crush on them?"

woojin nods. "yeah."

"what about when you have a crush on someone, but you don't want to? have you had that?"

woojin nods again. "yeah. i had a crush on this boy but he didn't like guys like that."

chan nodded. "so what did you do about it?"

"nothing," woojin says. "i liked him, whether he liked boys or not. i couldn't stop myself from having a crush on him. but i didn't let it get in the way of my life."

chan stares out the window, thinking over what woojin said. "how did things turn out?"

a blush appears on woojin's cheeks. "he later confessed to me and we sort of . . . worked things out."

chan pauses. "are you talking about you and hyunjin?"

woojin nods.

chan deadpans. "oh my god. the most popular guy at school."

woojin laughs.

chan pouts, saying, "that's not fair. your story has a happy ending."

woojin turns to face chan. there's not a lot of space in the seat but he makes do.

"and what's stopping you from having yours?"

chan looks down, playing with his hands.

"fear," he mumbles out. "i'm afraid if we did have a relationship, it would just turn out like my parents."

woojin nods. "i don't know what you're going through, but i do know everyone isn't the same. don't base your relationship off your parents'."

chan acknowledges this. "i don't even know if he likes me back or not," he chuckles out.

woojin smiles and shakes his head.



did i just make woojin x hyunjin a thing?


check out day6's comeback also !!

need the sun to break {a jeongchan fic}Where stories live. Discover now