(2) Can We Cuddle?

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It had been 6 months since Bucky and Summer met and they have had their occasional hook up with each other but they were also sleeping around with other people. One night she was tired from practice she was laying in her bed and watching tv. He knocked on her door and she said "Come in." 

He came in and said "Hey you.. what are you doing?'

"I'm laying here in my bed watching tv I'm so tired from practice we have competition coming up." she said 

He stripped down and got in bed with her and he said "Um I know we both normally don't do this but um can we cuddle and take a nap."

She smiled and said "Only for you." 

She stripped down and they cuddled and fell asleep. They ended up sleeping all night instead of a few hours. The next morning they woke up and he was holding her and he was hard in between her legs. But he moved and said "Shit.." 

"Mmm what's wrong." she said

"I slept through my first class." he said when he saw the time. 

"I'm sorry maybe we should of set an alarm." she said

"No don't be sorry it was the best sleep ever." he said

"I definitely agree." she said

He kissed her and said "Need some morning boost baby."

"Mmm do I ever." as she kissed him. 

"And we should definitely do that more often." he said as he kissed her with some open mouth kisses as they had a morning hook up for the first time. After he finished they went to class and got their assignments that they missed in their first class. 

That night after everyone went to bed they went down the hall to his room and slept next to each other again. It became a pattern so much that by Christmas time she was no longer looking for that random hook up she was getting it from him still occasionally but she was loving the cuddle sessions with him. 

After practice and in between classes they would cuddle. They alternated their rooms each night. They were both deep sleepers and cuddled each other all night they loved the feeling but neither one of them would admit it or admit something else. 

On  Valentine's day Bucky took her out to dinner and they came home and hooked up and fell asleep. A month after Valentine's day was Bucky's 21st birthday she gave him sex that morning and then that night they went out together to the club and drank and danced with each other and then came home and passed out. 

The next morning Bucky woke up in between her legs and he looked down as he felt himself inside her and he whispered "Summer wake up.."

"mmm what are you doing on me like this." she said

"I don't know but did we have sex last night." he said

"No.. why?"she said

"Then why am I in your vagina right now." he said 

"I don't know." she said as she pulled him out.

He said "I'm sorry..

"No don't be I highly doubt sleep sex is a thing I mean who can sleep through sex." she said 

He started laughing and said "Especially our sex.." 

"Did you have a good birthday though" she said

"I did thank you for last night darlin' as he got up and got dressed and got ready for spring training for football season. 

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