(6) Announcing the Pregnancy

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When they got back to the dorm they went into her dorm suite where everyone was. Steve said "Okay so are you two ready talk about what has been going on." 

Bucky looked down and she squeezed his hand as their fingers were interlaced and he said "Um I apparently got Summer pregnant and um we um have been trying to figure out how because we use protection religiously and it turns out um when we are sleeping we are dreaming about each other and in um I'm jerking off in her and telling her that I love her in my sleep. She's been doing the same." 

Summer said "We had to do a sleep study and then today we have spent all morning talking to a therapist about "Our problem" as you like to put it Nat and so now he knows why I'm fucked up when it comes me and my ways." 

"She knows why I'm fucked up cause the therapist made us talk about it." he said 

Natasha looked down and said "Guys we never said you two were fucked up." 

"Wait ... I know why he did what he did. But you Summer I can't imagine what could possibly fuck you up cause you are so full of life and care free and sassy and spicy and over all positive." Sam said 

She closed her eyes and said "Because I try very hard to not think about the fact that I watched my first boyfriend die right in front of me when I was 17 years old not even 10 minutes after he gave me a promise ring and I told him I was pregnant and I lost the baby and him so yeah Natasha I get that I shouldn't fuck around and I quit fucking around almost 6 months ago." 

"Oh god" Wanda said as she looked to Bucky. 

She let go of Bucky's hand and went to her room and just as she was about to slam the door he caught it and he got in with her and he said "Come here." as he pulled her into the bathroom and turned on the cold water. He put her in the shower and he got in with her and he said "Feel better Summer" 

"Shit Bucky what the fuck." she said 

"You were getting worked up baby I know how to handle red heads. " he said as he kissed her. 

"How about I fuck you in the shower" as he turned on the warm water. 

He put himself in her and she said" Oh man.." and he started to fuck her hard. 

He coated her walls and she said "Oh fuck me that felt good." 

"Yes it did baby." he said 

That weekend he took her home to Savannah GA and introduced her to his parents and let them know about the baby. Then he drove her out to the cemetery and he walked over to Maggie's grave site and he said "Baby I'll never forget you I want you know that but I have to let you go in order to be the person I need to be for Summer. I love you my gorgeous red head give little Alex a kiss from daddy for me. I love you both." he kissed two fingers and laid them on the tombstone and walked back to the car. 

"Bucky.. I um  do we have time to go to Macon." She said 

"Yeah we can stop in on our way to Athens. Why?'" he said

"That's where I'm from." she said as she looked at him. 

"Okay baby." he said as he smiled at her. 

She grabbed his hand as she let out a breathe. "Summer what's wrong?' he said 

"I um you make me feel like the worse person in the world." she said 

"Why?' he said 

"Because after the accident I couldn't go to his grave site I couldn't do it." she said 

"Believe me baby it took me a long time to do it." he said 

They pulled into Macon and they went by her parents house first and she went upstairs to her room and found her accident pictures. He came in her room and sat down beside her and he looked at them and saw where she had cuts from glass and a gash on the side of her head and a concussion where she hit the door and the dashboard.

"Baby doll." he whispered 

She looked down and said "I watched him go through blurred vision. His last word was Summer. We were on cloud 9 having the best night ever it was our 2 year anniversary I had just told him we were having a baby and he gave me my promise ring and we were driving home Bucky. " 

He grabbed her hand and said "Baby it's okay." 

She closed the pictures and said "I'll be back.." 

She went down into the garage and put her helmet on and started up her 4 wheeler and drove down to the end of the road and she went to down to a gravel road and turned down it and pulled up to the cemetery. 

She walked up to it and whispered "You can do this Summer." 

She found the tombstone that said Johnson and she said "Hey honey bee.. I know it's been awhile and I"m sorry..I want you to know  that I will always love you Sam. But it's time right I"m having another baby with a guy that loves me apparently. See you when I see you baby kiss our angel for me I hope that you are tossing a football with your daddy." She kissed his tombstone and said "Always baby." 

Then she got back on 4 wheeler and went back home. She pulled in and parked her 4 wheeler and went back in and found Bucky talking to her dad and he pulled her aside and said "Baby first off that was the hottest thing I have ever seen and second off where did you go?'

"The cemetery is up the road." she said 

"Okay.. well you ready to head back." he said

"Yeah.." she said 

They told her parents bye and they left to head back to Campus cause it was finals week. 

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