PSYCHOlogy 101: Why Are There Voices?

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This book will not be made from Internet researches or medical sites. It's gonna come straight from the mind of insanity itself


Ever had that feeling that you were being watched? Like someone is following you. It may be that someone or something really is, but it can also be your paranoia.

And when I mean paranoia, I mean your mind trying to trick you. It does this to push out some stress and gives your insanity a little break.

Everyone has a guardian angel, and these angels are sometimes not the beautiful white kind you get in statue form.

Angels can be replaced with demons in the snap of your fingers, which is why they will try to turn your life around.

The human mind is manipulated quite easy, being based that we can only use 10% of it.

So, are you hearing voices? That's something trying to speak to you to drive you crazy. They were meant to be there, saving up over the years until you get to an old enough age where your going to have to face your true self.

Here are some ways you can try to ignore them:

1. Push them away with music. Lyrics that you know well can push the voice out temporary because your mind is set on listening.

2. Meditation. Meditation is when you relax your body to peace, relieving your chakras from vanishing before anything is to late. Make sure to meditate often if voices seem to happen more frequently. Finding the minds eye, or third eye, can make them go away completely.

Now we can ALL agree that doctors and therapists act like they know what their talking about. But what is their conclusion on help?



Medicines, shots, ANYTHING!

But what they don't know what their doing is that their encouraging us with useless drugs.

It makes us think that there is no way to really stop it, so what happens is that we let PSYCHOlogy take place. And remember how you can't spell 'psychology' without 'psycho'?

Well, thats what they teach us in therapy. They make everything worse.

And all because the voices in our heads. But from real experience, hold them back and have belief in something holy. Because without our own thoughts....

We're doomed.


Next update: PSYCHOlogy 101: Love From A Psycho?

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