PSYCHOlogy 101: Love From A Psycho?

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This book will not be made from Internet researches or medical sites. It's gonna come straight from the mind of insanity itself.


We're crazy. You're normal. Opposites attract. That's how it begins.

But that's from a crazy, fun person.

What about a psycho?

A psycho's can't EXACTLY feel love. It's more of a....replacement.

It's like living in confusion. You were born with a mind that suffers and makes you think about death. So, when you start the love sequence, it's like something foggy and unused to.

Can we fall in love? Yes, who doesn't? Is it dangerous to love a psycho? Depends on what kind.

It can be a mentally insane psycho. Yes.

A physically insane psycho? What do you think?!

A psycho that can keep his/her temper down in maximum amount of time. Well, that's the only psycho.

Then there's that kind that just wants love and to feel love. To leave the abandoned chaos they call thoughts. Just an escape.

Dating someone insane can lead to the following:

1. Divorce

2. Left without word

3. Screaming

4. Mental abuse

5. Physical abuse

6. Death

7. Crying

8. Fustration

9. Hatred

10. Insanity

But it's not a bad thing to fall for someone crazy. It was just something that was meant to happen. If it ends well and your not killed.....

You get to say you are one of few that lived happily with insanity.


Next Update: PSYCHOlogy 101: The Movies Are Based On Nothing

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