PSYCHOlogy 101: Into The Mind Of Madness

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This book will not be made from Internet researches or medical sites. It's gonna come straight from the mind of insanity itself


~Warning: Will contain psycho thoughts, and will be told in the way it was thought of~

Soooooooo, let's get to the real stuff, shall we? Apparently people always want to know how the insane think. And ever since I heard this, I savoured every devious thought I have, and am now putting it in words.

Well, if that is even possible. So much detail is hard to concentrate on.

Where to start!? Man, my head ain't right. I'm excited.

You know when they say that you see red when your angry? NOT PSYCHOS! OF COURSE NOT US! WE HAVE TO SEE SOOO DIFFERENTLY! We see blood. Like, oozing blood, dripping from walls and people. And if it's a person we're angry at, you can see a thousand deaths you can put on them.

You think it doesn't scare us? Well, it mostly doesn't, but it does scare the people around us.

It makes them frightened andafraid to get too close.

It prevents us from having a life you can only see in fairy tales.

Now, that was just the EASY stuff to say. Let's get down to business. Psychos always have a feeling they should keep EVERYTHING to themselves. So, I try to prevent it the best I can by writing a book about myself.

Keeping everything to ourselves feels....nice. Almost like in a pleasuring way. And no, not sexual pleasure. But, it IS an amazing feeling.

It's feeling hours,


WEEKS of fustration that just feeds the mind. It just MAKES our encouragement so much worse. Just THINKING of having that familiar feeling of being bottled up makes me want to do that psycho smile.

You know, the one where your grinning as wide as you can.

It's just this tight grip in your heart, and your mind whispers these demands you try to hold back, but it's just impossible. Like for example, for me, every human being I see, I see myself in front of them, taking a knife and shoving it deep within their skin.

In the dark, we see things. We see things that can scare anyone, worse than a grown mans biggest fear, mixed with every horror movie combined. You see demons creep into the night, making their way slowly to you. You want to say something to the visions, but our voices are just gone completely because we are in respect to the creatures. So we don't sleep. We stay with the demons, listening to their voices, not knowing if it is a hillusionation.

When we cry, our mind doesn't exist. It vanishes and leaves our body to do what it wants, and that never ends well.

When we want to scream, we don't. We let it add onto the already Hell-worthy flames.

It's SO hard to try to be normal. To act like we fit into the crowd. It's just that the word 'kill' is going to forever stick and stay to our consience, preventing us from ever having a mind at peace.

Like I said in the beginning, it's really hard to put the feelings into detail, so I tried my best. But I guess it could never be put into writing.


Next update: PSYCHOlogy 101: The Story Of Insanity Itself, #1

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