PSYCHOlogy 101: Differences From P, S, M, S

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This book will not be made from Internet researches or medical sites. It's gonna come straight from the mind of instanity itself.


~You may not know what I meant from P, S, M, S. Their just a smaller and simplier version to say Psychopath, Sociopath, Masochist, and Sadist. This is gonna be short.~

I was asked about what's the difference between all these.

So, for some short summaries:

A masochist and sadist don't even fit in with the category of insane, mostly sexual. It's that weird shit when you find pain as pleasure. But a killer can be a masochist if they get some kind of kick of something sexual when killing.

A sociopath is a person that has mental problems, but not bad enough to where you want to hurt people.

A psychopath is above any ranking in crazy. It's a person that has crossed the line into the criminal element. It's when you don't take consideration of other people's feelings and just only has the mind to kill.

So, I hope that answered your question.


Next update: PSYCHOlogy 101: Bringing You Into Reality

September 6, 2014

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