°•VLIVE #1•°

707 16 13

Unit(s): NCT China Line
Member(s): Kun, Lucas, Renjun, Chenle, WinWin

Unit(s): NCT China LineMember(s): Kun, Lucas, Renjun, Chenle, WinWin

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Chinese Korean

NCT's China Line had 'all' decided to get together and do a VLIVE since they were all bored and wanted something to do on their day off.

"'Why isn't Xe unnie here?' Oh! Guys we forgot to grab Y/n on our way in! Someone go get her!" Lucas said as he read the comment.

"Wah I thought we had everyone from the China Line here!" He exclaimed while covering his mouth.

After a few minutes of WinWin trying to find you, he brought you back into the practice room and sat you down behind him and between Kun and Renjun.

"What are we doing?" You asked with curiosity covering your features.

"The China Line is doing a live together and we may or may not have forgotten about you." Lucas admitted while looking at you through the phone.

"Oh." You replied back dryly.

He suddenly turned around to look at you, "You ok? I'm sorry we forgot." He whispered so the NCTzens couldn't hear him.

You simply nodded your head and slumped down in your seat.

You got your phone out and started to scroll through your Twitter, deciding to give the fans a treat, you replied to their Tweets and other things.

'How is @NCTsmtown 's Xe-ssi? We miss you! We hope your doing ok!'

'@NCTsmtown Xe has been releasing some pretty heart warming and sad songs about her past lately..... Is she doing ok?'

'@NCTsmtown Is Y/n unnie's health good? She's been a bit down lately. I'm worried about her..... 💜'

'I'm glad that Xe opened up and let us in with a bit of her past. She truly is amazing💜 Stay healthy Y/n! We love you! 💜'

I sighed as I read the Tweets and replied to them.

'I miss you too! 💜'

'Thank you for being concerned and complementing my music! 💜'

'Don't be worried about me😊💜'

'An explanation that explains more about my past and the songs lyrics will be coming out soon! Be looking for it! 💜'

"Xe!" Kun shook my shoulder lightly and made me look up at him then the camera.

"Sorry." I said as Sat back again while tossing my phone to Chenle who put it on a bench.

"The fans want to know when your going to do a solo live to talk about your new music." Lucas explained in Chinese as he read some of the comments to me.

"Yea... I don't know. Soon probably. I don't know if I'm going to do it alone though." I answered back in Korean without thinking.

"Ya! Only speak in Chinese!" Lucas warned me.

I nodded and sighed.

"I'll probably do it with Taeyong Hyung or Mark-ssi." I explained while playing with me thumbs.

The boys and nodded and continued on with the live without me saying another word.

If I got asked a question, I would simply nod or shake my head. I didn't really laugh at any of their jokes or anything. I just say there, thinking.

"Are you sure your ok?" Renjun asked quietly as he looked back at me.

I nodded and focused on the camera.

"I'm sorry I can't read most of these comments. There almost all in English. Can you help me out Y/n?" WinWin asked as he tried to read the comments.

You looked at him and nodded, moving to sit on the floor in front of Lucas and WinWin.

Most of them were asking if you were ok or not so you just decided to make something random up.

"Are any of the other members going to make their own solo albums like Xe?" I said in Chinese back to the boys and acted like I had read it.

"I don't know. We don't have any other people to collaborate with." Kun explained and motioned for me to continue reading comments.

"'What do you guys think of Y/n's MV's that are released?'" I asked when k actually found a question that I could ask.

"I love her MV's. I think they're really creative but there is one that I didn't like as much." Lucas confessed shyly.

"Well I haven't even seen the MV's yet or heard the songs so I wouldn't know." Chenle said with a cute giggle following.

Renjun and WinWin nodded along with Kun who hadn't seen or heard my music yet.

"Why haven't you guys listened to it?!" Lucas asked as he turned to face the others.

"We're all waiting to do a reaction video. We're going to get into small groups and react to it. That's what we were planning on doing." WinWin said as he looked at Lucas.

"No one told you?" Renjun asked Lucas with currowed eyebrows.

Lucas shook his head and turned to me with a smile.

"I'll save my opinion on that topic for another time then." Lucas said as he saw the managers motioning for him to keep quiet about it.

"Ok guys. We have to end this live. We'll talk to you later NCTzens! Stay healthy! Bye bye!!!" Kun announced as WinWin turned the live off.

"Should we all film our reaction videos now?"


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