Dedicated to every girl (or guys) who felt insecure & ugly because of the unrealistic expectations media encourages us to be. & dedicated to the guy who told me that he loves me no matter how I look with or without makeup; who taught me that inner beauty is more important than outer beauty. Who taught me to believe I was beautiful.
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Sometimes, I stare in the mirrior
wishing I was beautiful
because I grew up believing I was.
But society says big noses aren't attractive;
small eyes are unwanted;
square faces are too masculine;
small boobs are childish;
flat butts aren't sexy;
blemishes are unsightly;
& being fat is disgusting.
& after that, in my teenager years,
I grew up believing I wasn't good enough.
That I wasn't beautiful enough for anyone
unless I had a good amount of makeup to change myself
that I couldn't even recognize who I was afterwards.
I needed a small nose to be attractive;
I must have big eyes to feel wanted;
I should've been born with a feminine, soft face (otherwise how would people know I'm a girl?);
I had to have big boobs & a nice butt or else guys wouldn't give me the time of day;
A blemish-free face was a must or people would think I was dirty & didn't take care of myself.
But most of all, I absolutely, postively, had to be thin & curvy.
If I wasn't, I was repulsive & needed to excercise 'cause I was also (apparently) unhealthy.
Society taught me that you weren't beautiful if you didn't have any of these traits.
& because of it, I grew up
hating myself.
I grew up
leaving scars on my wrist
for every flaw I saw on myself.
I grew up
crying every morning because
society hated how I looked naturally
& eventually I did too.
I grew up
breaking every mirror there was in the house
& I think I broke my self esteem along the way.
Socity told me
to fix myself because
I was not beautiful.
[ :: Poem Collection :: ]
PuisiIf you didn't figure it out already, I add to my collection of poems whenever the mood hits me. So expect a ton of emotional poems, depressing & not. Some will have mature language, some won't.