Chapter 18 ll I think I would like chicken for my lunch, thank you very much.

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Zoey's POV

"Emma!" I squeal, launching myself at her. Her blasé expression brightens and morphs into a excited one.

"Zoey!" She opens her arms for me. I pull her into a tight embrace. She looks better now, more regenerated, more lively. There's more colour on her lips and cheeks since yesterday. Her hair is combed into two low pigtails. I can feel her grin against my shoulder.

"How are you today?" We pull away. My eyes involuntarily scans the room. Nope, no Chris. My heart falters a little in disappointment. Oh no, I haven't apologize!

"I'm good!" I smile at her reply.

"That's -"

I was interrupted.

"Emma! I -"

So was he.

"Oh hi."


He's holding onto a styrofoam container in a hand, and his laptop in the other. He has changed out of his clothes from yesterday, now, wearing a dark blue polo shirt with black pants. Good, he seems well rested. His hair is ruffled, some strands are falling over his forehead. He looks somewhat different, more... more... more attractive. It was then I realise that I was kind of staring way too unreservedly. I curse mentally, shit! Did he caught me staring? My eyes sweep up to his face, he is staring at me intently too, oblivious to my rude ogle. Thank god.

"Chrisy! You took so long!"

We both snap out of our staring contest and turn to Emma. She has her arms outstretched, waving frantically at Chris. She looks like a frustrated baby.

"Don't you dare blame me, the queue was so long!" Chris stalks towards Emma and I. "My legs are bleeding," he mutters under his breath as he scowls. I throw my head back and laugh, I don't really get to see him scowl a real scowl. Not those ones that he scowls sarcastically, but a real scowl of displeasure. It looks absolutely hilarious, yet attractive, on him.

Oh why, oh why, can't my scowl be this attractive too?

I recover from the laughter, to see bright blue orbs staring at me ardently. If you observe closely, you can literally see the intensity of that stare. What in the world triggered that intensity out of him?

I look away, flushing, from both the embarrassment from him staring and the intensity of the stare.

"Here's your favourite apple pie," Chris removes the cover of the container, revealing a beautifully baked apple pie, "and here's my laptop so that you can watch the movies I've borrowed from Caden." He types in the password and turns the laptop so that the screen is facing Emma.

"Oh oh oh, can we watch Monsters, Inc? Please."

"Alright, alright, start eating."

Chris slides the CD into the compartment at the side while Emma shoves mouthfuls after mouthfuls of the apple filling into her mouth. I watch them quietly, it is heartwarming to see how Chris loves to take care of Emma.

The movie starts playing on the laptop. Timidly, I tap onto Chris' shoulder and pulls him over to the door, leaving some distance between us and Emma.


"So you see, I - um I'm kind of, like so -" Zoey, just apologize already!

"Yea?" He smiles amusingly, obviously laughing at my stuttering. Not that I'll blame him for that, I'm embarrassed too.

"You see, I'm sorry."

"For?" A look of surprise overtakes his face.

"That day, I'm sorry for trying to get an answer out of you."

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