Chapter Eighteen

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"I'm expecting kits," Peonystorm announced half a moon later. Sunpaw looked up. The gray she cat's belly was indeed swelling. She was standing on the Rock Pile with her mate, Whiteswirl. "They're due in a moon."

"Congratulations," Silverstar purred. "CloudClan always welcomes new members!"

"But, what about my mentor?" Frostpaw called. Silverstar gazed around the camp. "Applefoot," she meowed. "You will be Frostpaw's mentor."

Sunpaw's eyes widened as she saw the silver she cat dip her head. Frostpaw nodded, ducking her head a little. She seemes terrified of the warrior. Who wouldn't be? She thought to herself. She glanced over to Lightningfeather, sitting a few mouse-lengths away, who looked thunderstruck. She tipped her head slightly to him, he shook his. They would talk later.

Goldleaf, sitting next to Applefoot, blinked and flicked his tail. Sunpaw watched him closely and had for the last half moon. The gray tom didn't seem to be affected in any way by his relationship with Applefoot; indeed, he carried on his normal routine, still attempting to talk to Sunpaw. Sunpaw ignored him. He has his precious Applefoot to talk to.

"Sunpaw, come with Greenflower, Cinderpaw, Skypelt, and Amberclaw on this hunting patrol," Brightsky called, waving her tail at where the three cats were waiting at the camp entrance. "Over here."

Sunpaw bounded over and the patrol sat out. She shivered at the chill in the air. Leaf bare was creeping in, like it or not, and the Clan had to hunt harder to get enough prey. Sunpaw suspected that there would be more activity on the borders as other Clans ran out of prey.

Greenflower stopped and looked back at the members of the patrol. "Ground hunting or fishing?"

"Fishing," Sunpaw answered at once. "I agree," Cinderpaw and Skypelt said together. Amberclaw nodded so they headed down to the FlowerClan border, where Skypelt claimed there was a river. She was right; the river was long, wide, and fast flowing. Sunpaw dove in instantly, sucking in a huge breath, and paddled to the bottom and began diving for trout that stuck to the bottom. The water swirled past her eyes as she finally surfaced, the water tainted with a faint light pink from the blood of the trouts. She resurfaced and noticed Skypelt, Greenflower, Amberclaw, and Cinderpaw staring at her, eyes wide. "What?" She asked.

"You... You... You didn't breathe," Cinderpaw breathed in astonishment. Sunpaw froze. What if they found out? "Oh, I did," she assured them quickly, flicking her tail. She turned. "You just weren't watching. I'm going to go farther downriver to see if there's any more fish. Be right back."

She flipped over and began to swim quickly down the river, fighting against the current and kicking out with strong, powerful strokes. She reached the FlowerClan border and dove down.

She heard a splash and a dark brown pelt swooshed into her vision, creating bubbles. Oakpaw! She thought. She lunged forward and sank her teeth into his thick scruff fur and dragged him out of the water. He was heavy. She shoved him onto the land and, on an instinct, drummed his pelt with her paws. He coughed, opened his eyes, and spat out water. "Sunpaw?"

"Yes, it's me. I know I'm on your territory," she added as he opened his mouth. "What?" He muttered, distracted. "How'd you fall in?" Sunpaw asked sitting down as Oakpaw pushed himself slowly to his paws. "I was hunting and tripped on a pebble (Swift_Jay will get this lol) and I fell in."

"Can you walk?" Sunpaw asked. Oakpaw nodded. "Hey, can we meet here tomorrow night?" He asked suddenly. Startled, Sunpaw nodded. "Why?"

"To talk," Oakpaw meowed hastily. "Just to talk. Oh, I have to go, bye!"

With that he sped away leaving Sunpaw to dive back into the river.

Hey guys... For those of you who read it, the last chapter was... Incomplete. Basically I was typing it up and I accidentally hit Save and Publish because I had to go, and it wasn't done, instead of just Save. But here is the full chapter.

WHAT DID OAKPAW JUST ASK?! LOL. What do you like, Sunpaw and Oakpaw, or Sunpaw and Goldleaf? I know who she will end up with! 😏😏

Swift_Jay... He tripped on a pebble...! Remember Rainfeather? Lol

Thanks for reading guys and for boosting me over 500 views! That's awesome guys and a vote on a chapter you liked (or any chapter!) is amazing.

That's all for now. Bye!

~ ✨🐱✨ Rainfeather ✨🐱✨

Omen of the Sun Book One: Secrets in Shadows ✅Where stories live. Discover now