4. Fear of Losing

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The doctor said, "Okay! If this is the last wish of your, then we will determine according to your wife's current medical condition, how to treat his disease. But we propose to tell you that your child's after birth, your wife will be saved or not, we can not say anything about what will happen to your wife, because if we start treatment for cancer with pregnancy. There will be some limitation with the treatment, so I can only tell you that we can only give medicine to stop the disease from spreading in your wife's body during pregnancy but will not be able to finish it. " All these things were told by Doctor to Singto, when he went to ask about the medical condition of Krist in the doctor's cabin. On that time Krist was waiting for Singto outside of the hospital.

After hearing that from doctor, Singto had no way to do what he should do against his wife's wishes to achieve his first baby, which was being done with his wife after a so many of treatments. That he was pregnant for the first time. They allegedly gave up hope that they would ever become a parent of their own child. And when it was happening, life was taking their exams. By doing this with Krist.

But Singto said to the doctor "Doctor please try to save my wife. He really wants this baby but I also dosen't want to lose my wife."

Doctor said him "I understand your condition Mr. Prachaya. We will do our best to save both of them. But I can not give you any false hopes. You have to be more careful in the entire month of your wife's pregnancy. Due to illness, his immune power will gradually decrease. Therefore, give special attention to his diet and health during whole period of pregnancy. "

"Sure doctor! I'll do." Singto said.

"Okay! Hope for the best. Take care of your wife." Doctor said.

"Thanks doctor." Singto said while shaking hand with the doctor.

Then Singo went to the car and he was sitting in a car stared at a place, as if he was drowned in some deep thinking.

Suddenly Krist touched his hand. At that time Krist already sitted in the car. Then Singto came to his conscious sense.

Krist said "I know you are tense because of my decision, but I can't help myself for this Sing, till the thought of ​​losing my baby is very scary for me, the child who has lived within me for only a few months. I can not even think of separating it with myself. "

Singto said him "No Hon! Don't say like this. I am always with you, I am happy in what is your happiness. So please don't think so."

Krist gave him slight smile, after hearing that from Singto.

"Okay! Tell me what do you have to eat.... mmm.... let's go to our favourite restaurant. "

Singto said like that, because he didn't wanted to be sad like this in front of his wife. So he pretended toward Krist that I am happy what you had decided. And I'll always support you whatnever would be the condition.

Krist said "Lets go."

After so much of crying, sadness and sorrow. When Krist got his favourite meal. Then he really enjoyed it. And after seeing this by Singto, inside he felt relief that now his wife is happy.

Then they go to their favorite park. The evening had almost arrived. Then the show of water fountain started in the park. They enjoyed it. Because it was the best place for Krist since their marriage. Because many children came to play in the park and Krist loved to watch them.

Then they reached to their home. Singto hold Krist's waist with his right hand and by the left hand he hold Krist's left hand. Then Singto took him into the room.

Krist said "I am okay! Please don't do that much care toward me. Its felts me more that I am ill. I am sorry Sing to saying like that."

"I can understand Kit." Singto said.

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