5. First treatment

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Its a 12th week. Krist have to first treatment of radiotherapy for his illness. But before that, doctor said "Firstly we will ultrasound of the fetus. Then we will do treatment."

Krist and Singto both were hearing to doctor, while sitted on the chair in doctor's cabine.

Krist was very scared about his child's life, that after this treatment would my child have something? But on the other hand he thought that if he did not allow the doctor to treat himself, he would probably become a threat to his child's life. And he will lose his child. Because the doctor had already said that if he does not get treatment, then his disease can become a danger to the child. Therefore, he increased his morale for this treatment. Because Krist wanted to protect his child in anyway.

Krist was taken to the ultrasound room. Then for the first time they saw their child's third month image. The size of which was roughly about peas. After seeing this, Krist could not stop his tears. And his tears started falling down automatically.

Singto wiped his wife's tears and said, "Don't cry kit please. We are seeing our child for the first time and this is a great joy for our lives. Right?"

"Hm.. hm.. ! Right Sing. But I don't know that will I see my baby's face or not?"

"Yesterday you gave me promise for that and now, you again started." Singto said to Krist with little scolding way, then Krist said sorry by only moving his lips.

The doctor said, while fingertips on the monitor of the ultrasound machine "See this baby's eyes, here is the baby's mouth...."

Krist was trying to understand his baby's body parts. Then he saw, Baby put the thumb on his mouth.

Then he asked the doctor "Am I just assuming that, or it is happening?"

Doctor said "What Mrs. Prachaya?"

"Is baby sucking his thumb?" Krist asked while staring on monitor.

"Is baby sucking his thumb?" Krist asked while staring on monitor

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After that, when doctor notice that. Then he said to Krist while smiling "Yah! Baby is sucking his thumb. I must say that Mrs. Prachaya your baby is so active in such early stage which is good."

Then Singto asked the doctor, "Do the baby's fingers, mouth develops so quickly?"

Doc said to Sing "Mr. Prachaya By the end of the third month of pregnancy, the baby is fully formed, baby's fingers, fingersnails, feet and toes are developed. fists and mouth open and start closing. Tunnels grow and external ears are formed, teeth begin to develop."

Then Sing asked "Doc ! Is everthing alright with our baby?"

"Yes! Yes! Mr. Prachaya. There is nothing wrong with baby. As you can see that, baby is enjoying inside your wife's womb." Doctor said that while bit smiling.

Then a nurse entered the room and said, "It is time to take the patient for radiotherapy."

"Before this, we will do CT scans to know the correct location of the affected area of ​​the disease." Doc said.

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