Chapter 26

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We both just kind of had a stare down with each other. Ruby looked between the two of us completely confused. This is unreal. I took in his appearance: he looked like a wreck. It looks like he hasn't slept in days. And he's angry, very very angry. This is not good.

"Zaya." He breathed in relief. I finally snapped out of my daze and ran towards him, throwing my arms around him. He stumbles back a bit but caught me easily.

"You're alive. You're okay." He tightened his arms even more to just make 100 percent sure this was real.

I nod my head in his embrace. "I'm alive and you're here. You're really here. I can't believe this. " I pull back to look at him.

"I'm so happy that you're okay. You have no idea -" He never got to finish what he was saying. Suddenly he was being yanked backwards. He got pulled away from me and he fell on the ground. A strong body came to stand in front of me.

An even angrier Alpha stood in front of me now. He was visibly shaking which means that he was extremely close to shifting right now. Noah ran over to protect his mate but he was also ready to jump into the fight if it seemed necessary. I don't get afraid often, but I was damn near terrified right now. Not for Luca at all but for my mate. I knew what Luca could do and these wolves didn't stand a chance.

I need to do something. NOW!

Luca was on his feet by now. The two having a major stare down. Luca was already searching him up and down, looking for any weakness. He wasn't far from attacking.

"Give her back." Luca growls lowly in warning. Both of them were circling each other. Instead of listening to Luca, Ezra only pushed me further behind him.

"Don't touch her." He growls equally as low. Ugh Alphas and their stupid dominance!

"Wait, please-" I try to say something. To do something about the present situation.

"Zaya stay out of this!" They both yelled at me in unison. I was so frustrated at them already. What is it with Alphas? Seriously. Yes, Luca is of Alpha blood, if you haven't noticed that detail already. This only enraged both of them further. The testosterone levels that surrounds me right now is insane.

"Ezra don't fight him. Please. You don't know-" I try to plead with him.

"You know this guy?" Luca asks slightly confused, interrupting me.

"Yes I do, sort of. Technically-"

"You are trespassing on my pack grounds." Ezra states, never taking his eyes off of Luca.

I can't even get one full sentence out! Give me a break here. Luca can kill him within a second. If Ezra begins the fight, it's over.

"Give me Zaya and I'll leave." Luca says without backing down.

"You can't have her."

Just give me a chance to talk!

"Just listen to me for one second-"

"Then I'll just have to take her." Luca states simply.

Moon goddess please help me out here.

Noah is long gone with his mate, I'm guessing he took her inside the pack house, but he'll be back to help Ezra. Most guards are on the ground unconscious - I'm hoping only unconscious. There's no blood thankfully. Ezra and Luca now both circle each other, not giving me another glance. Please don't fight. I keep repeating that over and over again in my head, hoping for once that fate is on my side.

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