Chapter 2: Meeting the Crew

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        It was the middle hours of the morning, snow fell in tiny clumps from the bleak, grey sky, covering the port of Kiel and the battleship it housed with a white blanket.

         Small waves rocked the seemingly dormant super ship, its motion going unnoticed by the average passerby. Aboard said ship however, there was a small bustle of activity, mainly in the captain's quarters as the ship's Mental Model tried to wake him up, but to no avail...


         "Captain..." a calm, gentle voice said.

         "Captain..." it said again.

         Michael shifted in his bed, not wanting to wake up.

         "Five more minutes...." he mumbled before promptly dipping into sleep once more. He then buried his face into his pillow.

         The voice, which belonged to the Tirpitz's Mental Model sighed lightly. Tirpitz, having enough, leaned forwards on her captain's bed, removed the pillow and shook him vigorously. She hoped to have woken him up, however he reacted with just wrapping his arms around her and using her body as a pillow, burying his face into her breasts.

         "This new pillow... feels... great..." Michael mumbled, almost being incomprehensible.

          Tirpitz huffed, but didn't move from her position. Instead she sat there stroking her captain's hair and holding him tightly in return. A small smile graced her features when Michael slowly opened his eyes and looked up at her.

         "Good morning," Tirpitz said softly, her gentle smile still on her face.

          "Good morning to you as well," Michael said, stopping briefly to yawn. He then looked around and saw that Tirpitz's arms were wrapped around him.

           "Thanks for the wonderful wake up call," he chuckled lightly.

           Understanding what he meant by it, Tirpitz nodded.

           "Since this was the most effective of the methods I used to awaken you, I will continue with this course of action every morning," she stated.

           Then, with a barely noticeable blush, she added quietly, "I'll do it just for you..."

         The captain however, heard what Tirpitz said. He made a mental note of it and nodded slowly.

         "Right... So! The plan's that we go and meet the crew, unless there's been a change," Michael said, looking at Tirpitz. The Mental Model in turn nodded before speaking.

          "There's no change to the plan, Michael," she said.

          "Right, that's good to hear. Anyways, I'm going to be getting changed, so if you wouldn't mind..."

          Tirpitz nodded in understanding at Michael's implication and left the room, or so Michael thought. Ever since encountering him, Tirpitz's Union Core had been undergoing some changes. At first, when her Mental Model first activated, she didn't feel any sort of emotion like most other ships' Mental Models, such as the Graf Spee's. It was only when she came across a human sailor drifting out at sea, where her transformations began.

         Despite being asked to leave, Tirpitz stood outside Michael's door, peeking through the crack between it and the frame. She saw the well built upper torso of her captain. How the muscles were toned, how they flexed and relaxed with each movement... and how the many scars across his back shrunk and grew.

         The curiosity grew within her. Why was she feeling... strange whenever she stood around her captain? Why was he scarred? Did he have any family and friends left? She made a mental note to ask him about those things at a later date.

         Michael, having sensed someone observing him, quickly pulled his newly obtained shirt over his head. Combined with his jeans, the captain didn't look like a captain; just an average Joe you'd find wandering the streets of a prospering city. The captain sighed lightly and stretched, releasing a low groan from the action.

         Michael walked over to his desk, slipped on his shoes and his watch. Then, with one fluid motion, he spun around and appeared in front of the door, causing Tirpitz to stumble back lightly due to the surprise. The young man then opened the door and was greeted by the now red-faced Mental Model. He looked down at her and chuckled lightly.

         "I see your Union Core allows your Mental Model to experience emotions... and other things," Michael observed.

          Tirpitz said nothing but blushed a deeper shade of red, causing her captain to chuckle again. Having enough of teasing the girl, Michael extended his hand out to her. She accepted this gesture, and they both walked off towards the bridge.

         Upon their arrival, Michael went to his usual spot, outside the bridge, out on deck to enjoy the fresh air. Tirpitz remained inside the bridge and observed her captain. The more she stayed with Michael, the more she began to feel. It was strange to her, to say the least. She then drifted off into thought. Perhaps it would be wise to pay Hipper a visit...she'd know what it is, considering she's been in Norway for a while...

        Suddenly, Tirpitz was jarred from her thoughts, Michael was speaking to her. She looked up in his direction and saw that he wore a concerned expression.

        "You alright?" He asked again.

        "Y-yeah, I'm fine, danke," Tirpitz replied.

         "Okay... any news about the crew's arrival?"

          "They've just pulled into port."

           "Hmm... what about the Russians?"

            "Still pushing through, but our forces as well as Polish forces are doing well at repelling the invaders."

           Michael nodded gestured to the Mental Model to follow him.

           "Come," he said, "let's meet our new crew."

            The duo then proceeded to exit the bridge and walk down to the deck, port-side of Main Turret A. The two figures then stood, side by side, waiting for the new arrivals.

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