Tagged and stuff

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Right, so I got tagged. Here goes. Thirteen facts about me, I guess:

1: I game. A lot. My favourites are World of Warships, War Thunder and Azur Lane.

2: I'm doing my last year in highschool.

3: I'm a Canadian-Filipino mix (I look Caucasian though I got a perma-tan)

4: My middle name's Santiago.

5: I live in the problematic province of Quebec

6: I'm 6'1"

7: I have one brother

8: I have no sisters

9: Wank-nite is fucking stupid (in my opinion, if you think otherwise, fine)

10: I hate most social media (Facebook, Instagram, etc. Because of constant spam. Discord is an exception, (gotta love the hentai, lol))

11: I hate having to deal with middle schoolers (they screech like fucking banshees and look and act like they belong in elementary school)

12: I love lasagna. (I'm sorry Jon)

13: I would very much like to go on a genocidal rampage, though I miraculously control my temper

Now, I tag:






I AM NOT SORRY FOR THIS! Now have a good day!

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