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(3rd P.O.V)

  It was a calm day at the boar hat, business was not yet booming. Our lovely purple haired holy knight was walking the streets of Britannia, Capital of Liones. It had been 3 weeks after the new generation had bugged out and she was on patrol to see if there were any stragglers. She had lost her powers and she was pissed about it but she was also pissed about another thing. Jericho herself had been turned into a demon, and while like this she almost killed her brother Gustaf. But thanks to the person she was trying to kill, The Fox Sin Of Greed Ban she manged to stay alive. In the process of Saving her Ban accidentally saw Her completely Naked. She wore her normal blue outfit and armor on her legs and forearms. As she turned the corner she heard a familiar voice call out her "Name"
(Jericho P.O.V)

  "Barber Boy!" That name was unmistakable. I turned around to see Ban, his red cat eyes stared down at me. I scoffed
"It's Jericho". He rolled his eyes and grabbed my arm and started to drag me along.
  "The boar hat needs help and I know you'll help us out Barber Boy". I tried my best to escape his grip but I couldn't. 
"Hey let go. I can't I'm still on patrol!" Ban stopped and looked at the clock tower his eyes glinted a little.
"You're off patroling duty. Your shift ended 5 minutes ago"
I looked over at the clock tower. It was 12: 05.
  'Holy crap he's right!  Wait how did he know I get off at noon!?'
He Continued to drag me a long.

  Once we got to the Boar hat I was sent upstairs and brought the uniform. I looked at the uniform and scoffed. I hated skirts and the shirt was pretty much a belly shirt. I sighed and put it on anyway. It fit me ok. I looked at myself in the mirror and cringed at the sight of my femini form. I didn't like looking like a girl because it made me feel weak and people never took me seriously. So I always covered up with armor. I hated every second of being in this outfit. The skirt was short and nearly showed my panties, and the shirt was to bright of a pink. After I got done mentally complaining about the outfit, I was snapped back to reality but a knock on the door. I went to open it and saw a blonde haired "Boy". This was the captain of  the Seven deadly sins Meliodas.
  "Hey Jericho you ready to go its getting pretty packed downstairs and we need help". I nodded and followed Meliodas downstairs.
  I saw ban was working behind the bar like always cooking food. He turned and saw me and the captain. He looked me up and down and gave his usual "Bored" And "I don't care that you exist" Face. He turned away and went back to cooking and I went to take orders.

(Meliodas P.O.V)

I watched as Ban and Jericho parted their gazes toward each other. Unlike Jericho I knew the face Ban had made at her was in fact different. He gave her his "I'm Gonna pretend I don't care but I actually do care" Face. I smirked and slid next to Ban.
  "Hey Ban. Before Jericho and I came down I got to do a size check" I made sure to keep my eyes locked on Jericho. 
"Her butt and boobs where pretty soft almost like a newborn baby" I knew it had affected him a little because I heard a small 'tsk' sound come from his mouth and his grip on the pan he was holding tightened a bit. I smirked to myself as he turned around and looked at me.
  "Honestly Captain I don't care now unless you have orders to give me... Get the hell out of my kitchen" I did so as he asked and smirked.
'I know you Ban you do care and I'll get you to admit to it'
I walked away and went to go talk to Jericho.

(Ban P.O.V)

That little perverted Bastard. Who does he think he is trying to get under my skin like that. Did he actually give her a size check or was he just testing me!? Thoughts clouded my mind. I glanced back at Jericho and the captain speaking I couldn't make out what they were saying. I was slightly agitated, but I brushed it off and went back to cooking. It always helped clear my head when shit was crazy. It was satisfying to watch the food cook. I had a small weak smile on my face.

(Jericho P.O.V)

  The orders kept coming and Ban kept cooking. I swear I never see ban more happy when he's cooking or fighting Meliodas. The day came to an end and the Boar hat closed up for the night. I went back upstairs and changed back into my armor and waved goodbye to everyone. As I walked outside I felt a small tap on my shoulder. I looked back and saw Ban, he was standing over me.
  "It's pretty late, how about you stay here for the night" I shook my head. "I'll be fine walking home" I started walking again but he pulled me back. "Let me refrase that. You're staying here tonight" He picked me up over his shoulder and brought me to his room and threw me on the bed. I looked at him.
  "Where are you gonna sleep?" I questione him and he simply pointed outside the window.
"Outside. Or would you prefer me to sleep with you?" I blushed lightly and shook my head. I heard a small chuckle from him.
  As Ban left I took off the armor and let my hair down. I turned the light off and collapsed in bed. I stared at the ceiling for a second thinking back to what Meliodas had said to me earlier.

~flash back~

"Listen Jericho I want you to come work for the Boat hat as an official Boar Hat sister. Only after your Holy Knight stuff. And start dressing like a girl you shouldn't be ashamed of your body."

~flash back over~

"Hmmm..." I guess I'll get up early tomorrow and grab some clothes and come back. My eyelids started to feel heavy. The smell of Ban was all over this bed, it was kinda comforting.
'Ahh what the hell am I thinking!?'
I mentally cursed at myself and then eventually fell asleep.

(Ban P.O.V)

As soon as I saw the light flick off I knew she had gone to bed. I shifted myself to my left side and looked up at the stars. I smiled wearly. 
'Goodnight Elaine. I miss you"
I no sooner after thinking this fell asleep.

"Stop it!!" These words Echoed in my mind. The voice was a girls, the voice then split into two voices the new voice was a male's.  "Ban!!!!"
I didn't know what was happening. But I knew something bad was gonna happen...

~End of chapter 1~

A/N: ahh jeez that took forever. I hope you guys enjoyed that I know it's long but bear with me. Let me know if you want more.
Word count:  1225!

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