Christmas Special!!

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3rd P.O.V

Snow feel from the sky and onto the top of the boar hat. Laughter was heard through the whole tavern. A lavender haired girl and a red eyed fox followed behind her. The girl had grocery bags in her hands. The man held bottles of beer and other.types of alcohol. As they walked back to the Boar hat. The girl wore a jacket and pants her hair was tied up in usual ponytail with a purple ribbon. As for the greedy fox. He wore red leather pants and a maroon trench coat he left a few buttons unbuttoned revealing his chest to the cold air. The girl glanced over to the man as he drank some beer.
"Hey that's for the party. Don't drink it." She scoffed. The man chuckled and stopped.
"Alright Janko." They had made it to the front door and opened it. They where hit with a blast of holiday cheer and smiles. People greeted them happily. Ban was greeted with fist bumps from all the guys. Jericho with hugs and squeals from her girls. Everything was all bright and cheery. Ban cuddled Elaine in his arms and kissed her cheek. Jericho didn't give the slightest care she was having to much fun with Elizabeth and Diane.
Time pasted and Ban was in the kitchen cooking away and Jericho was outside hanging lights. The others were either decorating the tree or finishing up wrapping gifts. A week before they had drawn names out of a hat for secret Santa. They could get more gifts for others but they had to get a gift for their person. Ban had only gotten two gifts. One for his little elf and one for someone else. Jericho on the other hand had gotten her little elf a present. Ban had finished cooking and called everyone in. He knew Jericho was hanging lights on the roof so he decided to pay her a visit.

Jericho P.O.V

The lights were coming along pretty well. As I stood on the ladder completely absorbed in my work I didn't hear ban call to me from the balcony. I only felt a sudden shift in weight on the edge of the roof.
"Hey Barber Boy." He said to me only inches from my face. Startled by the closeness of our faces I tried to step back. Pretty much stepping off the ladder I began to fall backwards only to be stopped by an embracement of Ban's arms.
"Easy there. Don't want you getting hurt on Christmas." He pulled me up over his shoulder and jumped down off the roof and carried me back inside. He placed me down in a seat as we began to feast on the food he prepared.

3rd P.O.V

Everyone ate and drank until their hearts content. Jericho's eyes light up every single bite she took of Ban's cooking. Her taste buds screamed in delight. Who could ever get tired of eating Ban's food. Once the food was done everyone gathered around the tree. Gifts were handed out and wrapping paper was all over the place. Once presents where all done the night was coming to an end. Jericho grabbed her jacket and tied up her boots and scarf around her neck. She walked outside and took a deep breath of the fresh cold air.
Elaine and King went to the Fairy King's forest to celebrate and spend the night there.

Jericho P.O.V

I started to walk home. I felt the presence of someone behind me. I turned around and saw Ban. I groaned. "
What are you doing Ban" He smiled and chuckled.
"Come on Janko I gotta make sure you get home safe." I rolled my eyes and put my hands on my hips.
"Ban you fail to realize I'm stronger than I look." He Pat my head.
"Yeah ok, who lost their self because they wanted revenge on me." I growled and moved ahead if him.

Ban P.O.V

I frowned watching Jericho walk ahead of me. Once we had gotten to her house she stepped inside. She glanced back at me. I looked back our eyes met asking her if I could come in. She moved aside and let me in. I walked in and looked around there was a Christmas tree but no presents. Guess they didn't have money presents. She walked to her room I followed.
"What are you doing" She looked at me glaring. I shrugged, and passed by her. Her room was plain but comfortable. She plopped down on her bed and sprawled out. A devilish thought popped in my head. I walked over to her and got on top of her. Her face became red as hell. I chuckled and leaned closer to her ear.
"Merry Christmas... Jericho" I slightly blew on her ear causing chills to go down her spine. I chuckled.
"B-ban get off me!" She stuttered. I got off her and handed her a small box.

~back at the Boar Hat~

Meliodas P.O.V

I searched everywhere for Ban but he just wasn't there. I even looked outside in his favorite tree but nothing.
"Hey Elizabeth do you know where Ban wandered off to?" Elizabeth just shook her head.
"Sorry Sir Meliodas but I don't." I placed my finger on my chin and thought for a second. He's not in his room, or in his favorite tree and he wasn't out with Hawk so where could he be.
"I saw Ban follow Jericho after she left to go home." Diane pitched in. "Oooooh Ban you sneaky fox putting the moves on Jericho while she sleeps how Bad!" Elizabeth and Diane simply shook their heads as well as giggled a little.

~back at Jericho's place~

Jericho P.O.V

I stared at the little box not know what to do with it. Ban got me a present but he wasn't my secret Santa Elaine was. Oh wait we were allowed to get gifts for other people. I wonder if he was Elaine's secret Santa wait no he was Meliodas's. I looked up at him. "What about Elaine?" He shrugged. "She already got her present just hurry up and open it." I hesitantly opened the box and saw a red heart that looked like Yin from Yin Yang. Ban smiled and held up a chain with a black heart that looked like Yang. "There we match. Ok" I couldn't help but laugh a little. It's so unlike him to care this much about a present. It may have been small but I still loved the necklace. I put the necklace on and let it rest on my chest.
"Thank you Ban" I grinned and he did as well doing his famous head Pat.

As I watched him leave my house and fade from my view. I felt a sadness in my heart I just wanted to give him a hug. I reached my hand out. Trembling I ran after Ban. After I saw him in my view I opened my arms and hugged him from behind. It threw him off guard cause he immediately turned his head back. His smiled softly and turned me around and hugged me properly. "Dumbass go home and get some sleep." I laughed and started to walk back but he put me over his shoulder and carried me back that away. He placed me in my door way.
"Now stay there." I did as told and went back to my room. I go into my Pj's and crashed on my bed.

Ban P.O.V

An hour or so had passed and I was walking the streets. I got bored and decided to go back and check up on Jericho. Her bedroom window was open. 'For God's sake she's gonna catch a cold' I jumped to her window. As I started to shut it I noticed her blankets had fallen off her. I quietly climbed inside and put the blankets over her again. I smiled looking at how peaceful she looked. I moved a piece of her hair and kissed her forehead.
"Sleep well... Jericho..." I smiled one last time then left closing the window behind me.

A/N: Hey guys I know Im posting this late after christmas I made this on Christmas and never found the time to post it. So now I did. Anyway Merry Late Christmas my lovely's. BTW the necklaces will be carried through out this story
Word count: 1405

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