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3rd P.O.V

Ban had finally regained his senses. He looked around and saw everything was destroyed. He started to panic about whether King and Jericho were ok. He ran outside the great tree to look for them but didn't go far. He found them right next to each other
King's head on Jericho's shoulder. They were both passed out as well as injured.
Jericho's injuries weren't as bad as King's, but still needed treatment. 
Ban had left king with the Fairies after they had treated Jericho's wounds. As he was leaving with Jericho, Ban took one more glance at Elaine's body.
He was going to bring his love back.

Ban P.O.V

I walked silently across a new forest with Jericho in my arms. It wasn't normal for it to be this quite.  I looked down to Jericho,  and saw she was sleeping calmly. Her injuries where still bad and slightly fresh.
'I need to wash out her wounds.'
I set Jericho down by a river and slowly removed her old bandages and looked at the cuts.
'What kind of reckless idiot, runs into danger without even thinking.'
I crabbed a spare piece of cloth and dumped it in the river. I looked through Jericho's bag and saw soap. I grabbed the soap and put it on the cloth. I gently started to rub the cuts she flinched at the sudden impact of the cold cloth. I bandaged up her cuts again then picked her up again. 
I walked along more until I became so tired I was ready to collapse. I set up camp and laid Jericho down and I laid next to her.
I heard Jericho shift her weight onto her side as she snuggled me. I wrapped my arm around her, and fell asleep.

~Time Skip~

Ban P.O.V (still)

I woke up and saw Jericho was gone. I jolted upwards and looked around for her. She wasn't outside the tent. She wasn't bathing either.
'Where the hell did she go?'
I packed up everything and started to walk around. I'd gotten out of the forest after 20 minutes of wondering aimlessly. There was a town. I decided to ask around.
"Hey have you seen a girl with Lavender hair and amber eyes?" Everyone shook my head and walked away. Except one man he was elderly.
"I saw some like that at a tavern across town." I nodded thanking him and went to the tavern.

I looked at the place. It was old, but packed.
"What the hell why would she be here?" I muttered to myself. I heard a racket coming from inside to tavern. I walked inside only to have a full grown man being thrown my way. I grabbed the man's head and looked at him.
"J-Jericho!!" I heard someone shout out. I was intrigued by the mention of Jericho's name.

Jericho P.O.V

I was in town to work for a little bit to get a little more cash. I was wearing a scarlet one piece with a white little tail on it. As well as black netted leggings with black heals, and bunny ears on my head. I was serving at a bar/club. There were dancers in little to no clothing.
Men whistled to me as though I was a dog.
"Hey there lovely girl mind shaking that tail for me" I had chills down my spine, but I sat there quietly holding a tray to cover my chest.
"I'm sorry but only the dancers do that but I can get you some food." The man looked disappointed but gave me his oder.
After a few minutes the chef gave me the man's order and I brought to him.
When I placed the food down I watched as the man eyed his food with lust.
The man stood up from his seat and looked at me. He grabbed my wrists and pinned me to a wall. He looked at me with complete desire in his eyes. His right hand let go of my wrist but his left one stayed on them. His grip had loosen which gave me and opportunity to wiggle my wrists out of his grip. I kicked the man away from me then punched his stomach sending him flying towards the door.
The manager came to me and saw I was readjusting my bunny headband.
"J-Jericho!" He shouted. I looked at him and pointed to the sign saying
'Don't touch the women working'
He sighed and pointed to get back to work. I went back to waiting tables.

Ban P.O.V

I decided to go and take a seat at a table. I heard everyone else whistle for a waitress. I saw Jericho was walking around. I whistled to her she heard the whistle and went to my table.
"Hello how may I he- Ban!?" I smirked and looked at her.
"Hey there little Bunny." I chuckled watching her face grow to be a very bright red.
"Whatcha doing here?" She cleared her throat and looked at me.
"Look don't ask ok." I got up and grabbed her wrist.
"Well let's go time to move." She followed behind me. Until I felt a her stop. I glanced behind me and saw someone handing her a medium sized pouch of coins and her clothes.
Jericho turned back to face me I watched as a ban from behind her tried to touch her. Out if pure instinct I spun Jericho into my arms and punched the guy. I sent him a glare telling him to fuck off. The man backed off and I picked Jericho up over my shoulder. Her ass stood out more in the outfit she was in.
'God damn it why does she have to  be in a bunny suit!?'

Jericho P.O.V

As we walked along I watched everyone pass by. Many people gave us strange looks. I didn't really care considering I was used to it.
A little while had past and the sun was going down. Ban had set me down and took off his trench coat. He threw the coat at me and glaned at me from the corner of his eye. We were at an Inn.
"Hurry up and put that on. Don't need anyone seeing you like that little bunny. " I hated this new nickname. I sighed and put on the coat. We walkied inside the Inn and Ban paid a total of two nights for us to stay. He used my money that I'd been Frantically searching for. The person has said something to Ban that made him clear his throat and start walking. As I followed behind Ban I saw the person smirking at me from the corner of my eye.
Once we got to our room we were going to be staying in, I saw there was only one bed. I looked at Ban who was already comfortable on the floor. I rolled my eyes and walked into the bathroom that was attached to the room. I took a nice hot bath and just soaked. It felt amazing on my skin. I'd gone almost a week without showering or bathing. Im pretty sure I was in there for an hour.
I was brought back to reality when Ban knocked on the door.
"Yo, you still alive Joricho?" I muttered something under my breath.
"Yeah I'm here sorry I dozed off a little." I heard Ban's footsteps shift as he walked away from the door.
I drained the bath water and grabbed a change of clothes. I came out with sweat pants and a purple tank top. I was drying my hair. I let out a long exhale.
"Ahhh that felt great." I said plopping down onto the bed. The bed was comfortable and soft. Besides Ban the Bed was the only other thing I liked in this room and the bath. I looked over and saw Ban had already fallen asleep so I doubt her heard me. I yawned and grabbed ban and put him in the bed. I took an extra pillow and blanket and set up a bed on the floor. It was pretty damn comfortable as well, so comfortable I fell asleep.

Ban P.O.V
I woke up in the middle of the night to me being in the bed and Jericho was on the floor passed out. I shifted around and walked to sleeping Jericho. I knelt down next to her small body looked at her. A small amount of moonlight was peeping in from a window across the room. It poured down onto her sleeping face making it look like she was glowing.
I ruffled a strand of her hair and smiled gently to myself.
'She look so peaceful and so pretty with the moonlight on her face.'
I placed a small kiss on her forehead before going back to the bed. It didn't seem right to have her sleeping on the floor but I didn't move I just stared up at the ceiling. I felt an uneasy feeling weighing against my chest. I glanced over to Jericho again and the feeling grew.
'No... I can't feel this way about her. I love Elaine. I'm on this quest to bring her back not for Jericho.'
I couldn't help but keep my gaze on Jericho. I really just wanted her over here with me. A small thought clicked inside my brain.
'I'm falling in love with Jericho'

A/N: Wow that took a little while. Ban realized how he felt or is feeling and did it in the most adorable way every. And.... Holy Shit! I got 132 reads on this.  Woah little moon Gems you actually like my writing. Either way Thank you! Love ya my little moon gems <3

Word count: 1628!

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