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Jericho P.O.V
A few months had passed by. I was working at the Boar hat as a full fledged Boar Hat Sister. I still hated the uniform but eventually adjusted. One day King was talking to Ban. I didnt hear anything just the mention of this girls name "Elaine". Her name was mentioned a lot. Every single time Ban would be sad up get pissed. I don't understand who is Elaine to Ban?  One day I decided to bring it up with Ban.
"Hey Ban who's Elaine?" I saw him tense up. He turned his head back to me. His glare was cold.
"Why the hell do you wanna know. Listen unless you got an order for me, piss off." I was taken back by his answer. I didn't wanna make him mad so I gave him the order and walked away.

King's P.O.V

I heard Jericho talking to Ban about Elaine. 'Oh no!' I mentally cursed. Jericho walked over to me.
"King what's Ban Pro-" I cut her off by grabbing her wrist and pulling her outside. Once we got far enough away I looked at her.
"Ok you wanna know about Elaine." She nodded. I knew I shouldn't be the one who tells her. I looked around for Ban. I sighed.
"Elaine is my younger sister. As well as Ban's girlfriend? I don't really know sence she's dead." She tensed up on the word Dead. A small hint of pain was in her eyes.
"Ban went to the Fairy King's forest to steal the fountain of youth which grants eternal life. Then a red demon came and killed him and Elaine but he survived...." Her head was down looking at her feet. She was holding the heart necklace she got from a friend.
"So... What you're saying is... Ban is the reason she's dead..." I saw Ban in a tree behind Jericho. I guess Jericho didn't know. She growled and looked at me.
"I don't believe that load of crap. Ban would never hurt someone he cared about!" Her yell scared me.

Jericho P.O.V

I yelled at King as I did I felt a hand on my shoulder.
I turned my head and saw Ban.
"Ba-" Before I could finish he pulled me into a hug. My face pressed against his chest causing me to blush. I looked up to him, he just smiled a little and Pat my head.
"Alright that's enough Janko." His embrace didn't let up.

Ban P.O.V

I held Jericho in my arms only to hide that fact I was glaring daggers at King. I looked to Jericho. 'Sorry Jericho...'  I knocked Jericho out cold before speaking.
"What the hell King! You don't need to tell her my life's story!" I growled. He put his hands up not giving a care in the world.
"Look I just gave her information about Elaine and who she was to you. Don't you want her to leave you alone?" I shook my head.
"That's not what I said, I enjoy having her around. She's the one human I can tolerate." He just shrugged it off. He floated off back to the hat. I picked Jericho up over my shoulder and walked back,  and placed her in my bed. I pulled the blankets over her and walked back down and started to cook again.

Jericho P.O.V
I woke up and my head was killing me. I looked around.
'Wait wasn't I was in the forest with king? How did I end in Ban's room?'
I got out of bed and walked downstairs. It looked like the Boar Hat had closed up for the night.  I looked around and saw Ban. I remembered what he said to me. I frowned and walked back upstairs. I walked out onto the balcony, I noticed we were moving to a new town.
I looked up at the stary night sky and smiled.
'It's so pretty'.
I thought quietly to myself. I heard someone approach me from behind.
"Hey Barber Boy, I wanted to let you know that once we get to this new town I'm quitting and going somewhere. So no following me." I looked at Ban shocked.
"But Ban I wa- mph!" Ban covered my mouth with his hand. He inhaled deeply.
"Alright Fine you can come, just no spreading it we leave at dawn. Oh yeah you're sleeping with me." He walked back inside, but I stayed outside.
'An adventure with Ban... This should be interesting."

~Time Skip To Dawn. Caus I'm lazy and don't wanna do a dream!~

3rd P.O.V

Jericho and Ban readed their things. Jericho didn't take much except her sword and a small pack of clothes and a hairbrush. Ban grabbed his sacred treasure and a pack of clothes sence he doesn't know how he keeps ruining them. They took one more glance at the Boar hat before we left. I was off in thought not knowing Ban had stopped I ran into his back.
"Hey! What the hell Ban why'd you stop?" I looked in front of him and saw king.
"Not replacing Elaine, yeah right then why are you running away with Jericho?" Ban just rolled his eyes at king.
"Look that's none of your business." King got in Ban's face. I could the tension between the two.
"Oh really than you won't mind if I tag along with you two." Ban looked at king then shrugged.
"I don't care just don't get in my way."
King smirked and floated beside me following behind Ban.

~Time Skip To Night Time! ~

3rd P.O.V
The sun was setting and our girl and two friends where setting up camp. And taking turns watching over Camp.

Ban P.O.V
It was my turn to guard Camp. It was quite, I enjoyed the sound of nature it's soothing and helps me relax.
"Ban your shift is up." I turned my head and saw King. I stood up and walked past him. I felt him grab ahold of my arm.
"Wait... I want your honest opinion on Jericho. What is she to you?" I shrugged.
"She's an annoying brat,  but honestly she's not all that bad. She's different from others. Don't they say the eyes are a window to the heart and soul?" King nodded confused as to where I was going with this.
"Well her eyes show a lot. You just gotta look deep enough. Her heart is damaged and yet she still fights. She smiles at us even though she wants to kill us when we're idiots." I just shrugged and looked to the sky and smiled.
"I honestly think she's nice and the Boar hat wouldn't be the same without having an idiot like her." I walked back to my tent leaving King in confusion.

~End of Chapter 3~

A/N:  Hey my lovely Moon Gems. Hope you enjoyed. I've been working offline to get some parts done so expect a few chapters coming out!
Loves you <3
Word count: 1165

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