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3rd P.O.V
Jericho was just getting done with he shift of guarding the camp. It was dawn by then. She was exhausted. But she hid it. King had woken up and went to Jericho.

King P.O.V
I wanted to know what Ban ment about Jericho last night. Her heart and eyes. So I flew over to her.
"Hey Jericho look at me." She did so and I not realizing it got close to her face and gazed into her eyes. A light blush formed on her face.
'Huh what's Ban talking about? I can't Jericho soul in her eyes.'
I moved away from Jericho and sighed.
"Did you need something?" Jericho questioned me. I realized what just happened.
"Oh uh... I didn't know what your eyes color was so I wanted to find out."
'Wow what an excuse King way to go! Like she'll believe that'
I laugh nervously. She just chuckled.
"Ok King." She walked to her tent and layed down and fell asleep.
I felt the presence of someone behind me. Bam grabbed my shoulder and jerked me back.
"What was that about King?" I was caught off guard. I looked back at Ban.
"N-nothing I just wanted to see what her eye color was that's all." I flew away to get something to eat. Also to escape Ban.

Ban P.O.V

I chuckled watching King fly away.
'That wimp.'
I went and checked up on Jericho. She was sleeping calmly. She had bags under her eyes. She did go out multiple times. She even took at least two of our turns for guard duty. That only gives her 3 hours of sleep. I sighed and Pat her head.
"You damn idiot" I whispered quietly before leaving her to sleep.

~Tine Skip To When Jericho Wakes Up~

Jericho P.O.V
I woke up to the sweet smell of Ban's cooking. I crawled out of my tent and saw Ban was cooking fish and King was already eating. I went to them and sat down. Ban handed me a fish I gladly took it and starting eating it.
After food we started walking again. King floated. I looked to king.
"Hey King can I ride on ur pillow?" King just looked at me and smiled.
"Sure why not" The pillow floated down to me. I sat down on it and it lifted up in the air. Instead of walking I drifted along on the pillow. Ban looked at me and rolled his eyes.
"Come on Janko you can walk so get down." I groaned and did so and walked ahead of him.
"So Ban where are we going?" I started to walk backwards. He looked ahead of me.
"The Fairy King's Forest." King stopped and my eyes light up.
"What really when are we gonna get there." I exclaimed excited.
"Right now." Ban just pointed to a giant tree, but forgot to warn me about the cliff I walked off.
"!!!" While I falled I saw King rush down to get me. I held my hand out and he grabbed it. King wasn't strong enough to hold his weight plus mine. As we were about to hit the ground. Someone grabbed mine and King's waist and landed on the ground.
"You guys are idiots" Ban just simply dropped us and continued walking.
"This is impossible the For-" King was cut off by a swarm of Fairies.
"KING BAN!" They all shouted, and hugged him. Ban just simply pushed on. He was on a mission I ran after him but two fairies blocked my path.
"Who are you human." They crossed their arms. Ban growled.
"She's with me go pamper her or something." The fairies eyes light up as they all grabbed me and flew off with me.

King P.O.V
'This is impossible how can the forest have regrown in 20 years.'
I looked around and saw fairies Glaring at me.
"Get out HarleQuin." I felt a pain weigh down on my chest.
'Guess they still hate me for leaving them all that time ago... "
I decided to leave and go to a ledge. I put on my helmet Helbrem gave me.
"Helbrem... What do I do?" He chuckled.
"Is the great Fariy King defeated by his own subjects." I sneered at his comment.
"They aren't my subjects they're own people. I though you where supposed to help me." Helbrem shook his head and crossed his arm.
"Look HarleQuin, You gotta show these guys that you're still the king." I nodded and smiled.
"Thanks Helbrem." He smiled before I took the helmet off. And flew back to the great tree. I saw Jericho hacking away at some vines.
"Jericho?" She turned her head to me. Her eyes where kinda intimidating. I let her go back to what she was doing. Once the vines where cut what we saw shocked us both.

Jericho P.O.V
King and I rushed over to Ban was impaled through the chest leaning over a small girl in a white dress and blonde hair. I was more fascinated by the girl.
"Who's that?" I asked king pointing to the girl. His face grew dark as he looked down at her.
"That's my sister Elaine..." I felt my chest grow heavy.
'So that's her... The girl Ban fell in love with..'
I was snapped back to reality when a loud crash was heard above ground. Fairies flooded in scared for their lives. King and I both looked at each other. We both rushed outside to see what was going on.
A tall lanky monster almost the size of Diane in her gaint form stood before us.
"What is that thing!?" I looked to King. His face just as shocked as mine.
"I-its a Demon!" The monster raised one hand up and slashes the hole great tree on half causing it to crash to the ground. We saw all the fairies just cowarding.
"Jericho protect everyone." I looked at him shocked.
"What about you!?" Before he answered he flew up to face to demon. I ran back to what was left of the great tree. I unsheathed my sword. King was having relentless attacks thrown at him each one more powerful than the less. I growled and looked at all the fairies.
"Go help him!" They all shook their heads.
"He isn't our King so we have no need for him" My grip on my sword tightened. I growled.
"What the hell is wrong with you!? King is putting his life on the line for you! And you just sit around not giving a crap!" They all blankly looked at me.
'That's it!'
I held my sword at the ready and let out a war cry. I rushed in and attacked the demons legs. I did little damage but it was better than nothing. The monster noticed me and shifted its foot and kicked me. I was sent flying in the tree. I spit up blood and was gasping for air.
I watched as King fell from the sky. His injuries were terrible. Suddenly the other fairies came in and started fighting. One after another they got injured some died. Watching his friends died made King snap.
"SACRED TREASURE RELEASE!" King's whole body and his spear light up. The spear became huge. King threw the spear at the demon. Once the smoke had cleared there was no more demon.
'Wow.... We won...'
King flew down to me and looked me all over. He was concered but he collapesed next to me. We both passed out cold.

~End of Chapter 4~

A/N: Yay another chapter done in one night! Hope you guys enjoyed.
Loves you my little Moon gems <3

Word count: 1286

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