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(3rd P.O.V)

The sun was slowly rising over the hills. People were just starting to wake up and get to work on rebuilding the town. Jericho on the other hand was up much earlier than than everyone else. She had tried escape to her house without anyone noticing, but that didn't work.

(Jericho P.O.V)

I tried to get up early but I guess ban gets up very early to the point where it's still dark out. I was currently standing in front of Ban my head down looking at my feet.
"So where you going? And why?" I glanced up at Ban and was annoyed. "My house and to get some clean clothes" I walked pasted him but he followed behind me. I turned back and looked at him.
"Mind telling me why you're following me?" He shrugged.
"Cause why not. No one else is up yet and I'm bored." I made an annoyed face at him and went back to walking. His footsteps not far from behind me but then they stopped.
I turned around and saw no sign of ban until I face forward and saw his face inches from mine. I was caught off guard I pretty much stumbled over myself and fell backwards.
"Ban!! Don't do that!" He was laughing at me and then looked at me with a general smile.
"You should've seen your face ahh that was priceless." My cheeks began to turn red from embarrassment. I got up and dusted the dirt off me. I sighed.
"Let's hurry up" I stalked off ahead of him.

(Ban P.O.V)

I watched as Jericho continued to walk ahead of me. I glanced around to try and memorize the area, and I did. If I ever needed to find this little pain in my ass I could either look around town, where the holy knights hang out or at her house. Doesn't matter to me it not like she'll be traveling with us from now on cause I don't feel like sharing my bed with her or sleeping outside. We finally arrived at Jericho's home. It was a pretty decent size nothing was damaged. Jericho looked around.
"Guess Gustaf isn't home" She shrugged it off like she didn't care. She ran to her room and took like 20 minutes trying to get a nice outfit. Durning those 20 minutes I walked around. I came into the living room and saw a picture on a side table. I picked it up. It was a small Jericho and her brother they were with their parents.
'They look so happy'
I thought quietly to myself and noticed Jericho looked like her mom with her lavender hair but her dad with his amber eyes. I heard Jericho's door open as she walked over next to me. She glanced down at the picture she smiled softly. I couldn't help but notice a small hint of pain lurking behind that smile.
I noticed she wasn't wearing armor but instead a white long sweater thing with shorts under it. As well as gray stockings that went past her knees and small white boots that only went to her ankles. Her short hair was done up as well most of her hair was out but a small portion was pinned into a ponytail with her usual dark purple bow. She looked like a girl and she wasn't embarrassed?
"Where'd your armor go Jaleiko?" I stated plainly. She scoffed and rolled her eyes.
"Look I don't always have to wear armor I am a girl so I can show off my femin figure." I was taken back by her response.
'What the hell is going on here!? What happened to the old Jericho!? The one that hates wearing girly stuff'
I was honestly confused as fuck but I didn't show it.

A/N: this picture is what she's wearing. Now than let's continue!

(Jericho P.O.V)

We walked out of my house I felt weird wearing this type of girly clothes. I sighed and looked at the sky.
'Why the hell am I dressed like this? I know meliodas said to wear more girly stuff but this is just blek!'
Once we arrived back at the Boar hat everyone was up and they all looked at us. Meliodas smirked seeing my change of clothing. King flew to Ban. "Ban your not planning on doing something to Jericho, are you!?" Ban pushed king away and rolled his eyes. "No you little flying freak now shut up and leave me be. I'm going to sleep in my bed." Both Ban and I woke up early. I couldn't help but yawn. Ban looked at me and grabbed my wrist. "Come on Barber Boy" We both walked up to his room and he laid down on the bed first. I questiones him for a second.
"You gonna come sleep or what?" He asked sounding annoyed and upset. "Uh are you su-"
He cut me off by grabbing my arm and pulling me into his bed. My face heated up being this close to Ban. I slowly drifted off to sleep.

(Ban P.O.V)

As I pulled Jericho down onto the bed i had just realized what I did and slightly blushed. I rolled over onto my right side so my back was up against Jericho's. My back was warm up against her cold back. I turned Jericho and put my arrms around her holding her close to keep her warm. If I had know about her feelings I wouldn't have done that.

(Jericho's P.O.V)

I woke up to the warmth of an embrace. I glance up to see a sleepy face of ban. I trailed the arms hugging me back to Ban. I screamed and kicked ban off the bed waking him up with a huge startle.
"Why were you cuddling me!?" My face was bright red.
"Why did you cuddle my arm in the first place!?" Both our faces were red more so mine. All the sins bursted in through the door way and examined us. Meliodas came over to me.
"Hey Jericho I gotta question." I nodded me head and looked at him. "Are you joining the sins or?" I hesitated for a second than nodded. "Yea I'll join you guys" I smiled as we celebrated me joining with drinks and food.


After we were all plastered we all stumbled our ways up to the bedrooms. I collapsed in bed while ban collapsed downstairs. Tonight was hectic, but enjoyable. I honestly didn't want to join but then something changed like a flick being turned on. It was right after I noticed Ban cuddling me.

~End of chapter 2~

A/N: and that's all I'm writing for now. I'm tired as heck and I need meh sleep. Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. I'll write more later goodnight my little moon gems.
Word count: 1141!

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