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Faye Dawson
"I better go back to my room and sort out my room. Plus I'm exhausted and we have a lecture Monday morning" I said as we finished up food.
"Do you have to? It's going to be a really simple lecture" Shawn asked quietly as Tyler was in the bathroom.
"I'll see you in the lecture on Monday ok?. Can I just wear your clothes home?" I asked cuddling into Shawn's jumper.
"Of course you can. When can I see you again? Outside of lectures" Shawn said and I shrugged.
"Whenever really. We could do next Friday?" I suggested and I observed an eye roll from Shawn.
"But that's so long" he smiled as he pulled me to his chest.
"You'll see me in lectures" I smiled wrapping my arms round his neck.
"I can't kiss you in lectures, or," he trailed off kissing down my neck. I couldn't help but close my eyes and  take a sharp breath through my nose.
"Shawn" I whispered harshly.
"At least I still know how to get your little sweet spot" Shawn whispered back as I gave him a hug.
"I'm leaving now" I smiled pulling myself out of his arms.
I picked up the little bag I had with my money and phone in, took my high heels in my hands and walked to the door.
"Your feet are going to freeze"
"Shawn I'll be ok" I said opening his large wooden door.
"Ok. Safe walk"
"I'll text you" I said to Shawn giving him a small kiss on his lips.
I walked away barefooted and smiled to myself about the fact that I had Shawn back in my life.

"Shit" I cursed as I jiggled my door handle trying desperately to get the door open.
It struck me as soon as I felt the pockets of Shawn's shorts that my keys were in my black jacket, still in my room, as I forgot to take my jacket to Shawn's in the first place.
"You have got to be kidding me. Fuck!" I said sliding down my door, putting my head in my hands.
"Having trouble?" A male voice said. He had a strong American accent.
I looked up and a boy was there, probably no more than 20. He was blonde and very muscular, almost intimidating.
"Locked out?" He asked and I stood up. The boy smiled and his teeth were straight and white. Almost unnatural.
"I left my keys in my room" I sighed. He nodded.
"It happens to us all at some point. Do you want help?"
"What you have an extra key or some shit?" I smirked and he shrugged.
"Well no, but I'm good at picking locks...not in a criminal kind of way, I've locked myself out many times before" he smiled and I nodded with a look of uncertainty. "May I?" He said taking out a card.
I stepped out of his way as he managed to get my door open in under a minute.
"Well, thanks" I smiled stepping into the threshold of my room.
"I'm Scott by the way" he said and I nodded, thinking of Thomas and how his last name was Scott.
"That's my best friends last name" I said shrugging. "I don't know why you needed to know that" I smiled.
"Can I take you out for coffee sometime?" Scott asked and I raised an eyebrow.
"You don't know anything about me. You don't even know my name" I smiled holding the door frame.
"I want to know more about you..."
"Faye, can I take you out for coffee sometime?" He asked again and I racked my brain for an answer.
"Here's my number" I said pulling one of his hands toward me with one had and grabbed a pen in the other. I wrote down my number and he smiled.
"I guess I'll text you then"
The air turned awkward and I didn't know what to say.
"Right well then I guess I'll see you later" I said smiling as I closed the door on him.

Just as I closed the door my ring tone went off.
"Bloody hell how many things can happen in a day. Can't I just rest?" I asked no one in particular as I searched through my bag for the source of the noise.
"Hello?" I breathed into the phone.
"Dawson? You ok?" Thomas' voice said and I sighed.
"Yes. It's only what, like, ten in the morning and already I've had a weird day"
"What's happened?"
"I walked home from Shawn's barefooted in his clothes then I got to my room and realised I left my keys in my apartment so this guy came and picked my lock" I said quickly.
"Yeah not great about the lock but, why were you at Shawn's and why were you walking home barefooted?" He asked and I could tell he was worried.
"I may or may not stayed at Shawn's last night after our date" I said more slowly.
"Faye, I thought you were saying no to Shawn after what he did" Thomas sighed and I sat down on my bed with my head in my free hand. 
"I know I know but I loved him and he's hot and is being so lovely to me"  I defended.
"Yeah Yeah. Look I was wondering if I could come up and visit you. Maybe stay there with you for a day or two" Thomas said and a happiness filled my chest.
"Yes. Yes that would be amazing. When?" I asked, eager to see my best friend again. I heard a small chuckle from the other line and it made me smile to know that he was happy.
"I don't know. Maybe two weeks? I'll drive up, it's only two, three hours" Thomas said.
"Yes. Please come I miss you so much" I pouted and again I heard him laugh.
"I miss you too Dawson, I'll speak to you later ok?"
"Ok. Love you Thomas" I sung down the phone.
"Love you Dawson" he said down the phone before I hung up.

A text came through.
"Bloody hell"
'Meet me for a drink? Thursday night. Scott'


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My Love, My Saviour, My Student 2 • Shawn Mendes Where stories live. Discover now