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Faye Dawson
I stared at my dress as it hung up on the back of my door. Is black material and long sleeves stared back at me. The dress was long, had a wide neck and slit up one of the sides. I always chose the same style of dress, afraid to venture out into the wide world of intricate fashion.

I started to panic and picked up my phone, dialling the all too familiar number. I tapped my foot and bit my fingers as the phone rang.
"You're panicking" he said as soon as he picked up and I groaned down the line.
"You know I hate doing this. They're all going to laugh at me" I complained.
"Dawson, no one will laugh at you. You'll look beautiful. Besides, you're with me the whole time I wont leave you on your own don't worry about it" Thomas laughed and again I groaned.
"I'll look silly. I don't even know why mum packed my good dresses. Then again at least I don't have to spend money"
"What colour is it?"
"Black. Why?" I asked biting my fingers more.
"I wanted to match my suit to your dress but blacks easy I'll just wear what I wore to your prom" Thomas laughed and I smiled remembering the night.
"Just because you're matching my dress doesn't mean I'm any less nervous than what I was" I said and he sighed.
"How are you getting there?" He asked and I shrugged, forgetting he couldn't see me through the phone.
"I hadn't actually thought about that. Shawn's going so I might get a lift with him" I said, waiting for his realisation that Shawn was going to be there.
"He's going to be there?" He almost spat down the phone.
"Yes. But you're my date Thomas, I'm not going to ditch you" I smiled.
"I'll come and pick you up, and yes it'll be in a car, not my bike" he said and I smiled to myself.
"Around 7?"
"Perfect. See you tonight. Love you Dawson"
"Love you to Thomas" I sighed before hanging up the phone.

As the hours ticked by I got more and more nervous. I chewed my fingers just staring at the dress.
By half past six I had my hair straightened and my makeup done in my usual natural way. But I still couldn't put myself in the dress. It was intimidating.
I had had a text from Shawn saying he had left and he was excited to see me later, which just made me all the more nervous.
I would see his family again. I had last seen then on good terms but it was always awkward, even more so now, I guessed, because of what happened between me and Shawn.

At ten to seven I realised I couldn't delay putting the dress on any longer. I took it off the hanger and stepped into it, pulling it up so it sat on my body. I looked at myself in the mirror and brushed the dress off . I put on a pair of small black heels and grabbed my matching black and gold bag. I looked good, different, not me, but I was doing this for Thomas.
He text me at 7 saying he was outside my block and I groaned. I just prayed that no one would see me.
Luckily, no one was in the corridors to see me trip over my dress several times. I came to the bottom of the stairs and saw Thomas stood waiting just outside. I took a deep breath. Relax. Don't worry.

"Thomas?" I said, more like asked. He spun round on his heel and faced me. I walked towards him, slowly.
"Faye, you look different. Gorgeous different. Not that you're not always gorgeous I'm just saying-"
"Thank you" I laughed wrapping my arms around him. "I missed you so much"
"I missed you too. Oh, by the way, sorry to jump this on you but can I sleep here tonight? I can't drive home that late, especially not if I've had a drink." He asked and I smiled.
"Of course you can! I don't have a lecture until twelve tomorrow" I told him and he nodded, understanding.
"I'll leave when you have your lecture then. Thank you" he said. "My cars not far from here. Five minute walk"
I nodded and held up my dress so that it didn't drag on the floor. I tripped once or twice and Thomas laughed, eventually wrapping his arm round my waist so I was more stable.
I was thankful that only a few people saw us by the time we got in the car.
"I'm nervous now" I said as Thomas started driving.
"I know. So am I."
"How big exactly is this ball?" I said running my hands down my dress.
"Remember the scene in Cinderella? Where she comes into the ballroom?"
"That big. It's a big, successful, rich company Faye, they go all out" he shrugged and my heart started to beat a thousand miles a minute.
"You'll be the Cinderella here tonight"
"My dress is black, not blue" I smiled feeling a surprise blush creep onto my cheeks. "Besides, I thought you weren't paying attention when I made you watch Cinderella"
Thomas shrugged. "For you I did"

The rest of the journey was quiet. We hardly said anything to each other. I couldn't help but notice a small tension between us and I couldn't put my finger exactly on what it was. I was too busy in my own mind to realise that we had arrived at the hotel // ballroom.
"Oh god I don't want to get out" I whined at Thomas.
"We're already a bit late. I suspect most people will already be in there" Thomas said and I groaned.
"Ok. We can do this." I breathed and Thomas put his hand on mine.
"Come on" he said and I smiled, unbuckling my seatbelt.

We both got out of the car and I wrapped my arm around his. I thought about Shawn. He was in there with a girl. I could sense something was going to go wrong as we walked up a grand staircase.
"Are you ready?" Thomas asked and I shrugged.
"I don't really have a choice" I breathed. We came to a stop infront of two grand doors. "Here we go" I said.
The doors were opened.

 The doors were opened

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My Love, My Saviour, My Student 2 • Shawn Mendes Where stories live. Discover now