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Emma's POV

Emma tossed and turned in her bed. It was past midnight and she couldn't fall asleep - with her mom missing and the suspect just wondering around the streets of Storybrooke - perfectly capable of hurting others.

I wish it was me, she thought, I could've kicked his ass and this would all be over by now. She began to feel regret right before she heard the apartment door open then close.

She shrugged it off, thinking that David had came home really late, and continued to think about what would've happened if Killian hadn't save her. But then something felt wrong. The air felt different and Emma knew things like that didn't just randomly happen in her parents' house. Someone else was downstairs, not her dad.

She cautiously opened her door and peeked out. No one was around so she crept over to the top of the stairs and looked down. She expected to see some kind of evil wizard, or some thug - anything, really - but instead she found Regina wondering around in the kitchen.

"Regina?" Emma called, causing her to quickly look up. The cold look in Regina's eyes quickly disappeared when she realized it was just Emma.

"Good morning, Miss Swan," She causally replied then began to rummage through the cabinets.

"What the hell are you doing?" Emma asked, walking down the steps and towards the kitchen island.

"I'm looking for something," Regina mumbled, jamming her hand in a drawer filled with junk, "I hid something when I was here once."

"And what would that be?" Emma cocked an eyebrow.

"An ingredient," She pulled out a small jar and noticed Emma's expression, "It's nothing bad. It's just something that'll help me identify the new man in town."

"Hans?" Emma asked.

Regina looked bored, "Yes, I suppose that's his name. And I would've excused him if it wasn't for the fact that a; he looks vaguely familiar and b; he passed the town's border. If he couldn't see Storybrooke, how the hell did he get in?"

"Maybe with a magic bean," Emma shrugged, "Or a ship like Hook's. There's many ways to get here than one."

"Emma, we are the only ones that can grow magic beans and I doubt that he has a pirate ship great enough to sail in here," Regina looked up at her, "So, don't blame me for having suspicions."

Emma sighed, watching Regina as she looked deeper into the kitchen, "Why don't you just follow him?"

"The last time I tried to do bail bondsmen stuff, I ended up in your car, watching my office for half an hour," Regina gave her a fake smile, "And I do not wish to go through that again."

Emma rolled her eyes, "It's not a stakeout, it's just following him. We'll see where he runs off to every night and probably find whoever is keeping Mary Margaret."

Regina finished going through the kitchen and place the jar into her coat pocket. She looked up at Emma and stared at her as if she was trying to solve a puzzle. Finally, she sighed and said, "When do we begin?"


Mary Margaret's POV

"They still don't trust me, captain," She heard a vaguely familiar say.

"We must be patient, Hans," Blackbeard's raspy voice spoke, "It's going to take some time to make them trust you. If you want to rush the timing, then I suggest you do something big and heroic. Trick them into thinking your the good guy."

"Then what do I do?" Hans asked.

"How could I possibly know?" Mary Margaret could imagine him rolling his eyes, "Think of something, boy. I know how clever that little mind of yours is."

"Maybe I could push someone into the water and make it look like I'm saving them?" Hans asked.

"That's too messy, anyone could of seen you push someone else off the docks," Blackbeard yawned, "And how would we know if someone's just going to come prancing to the docks? We just wait? For hours and hours until someone finally comes? And how are we going to have an audience? Don't be an idiot, think of something else. And when you do, come to me. It must be perfect by sundown."


Sorry D: ! This was super late and short >.< Finished the first week of school a few days ago and it's keeping me busy :l Especially this weekend, I had to help my parents with something .3.

I'll try to update faster so you wont have to wait for a long time ^~^ Hope you enjoyed this chapter ^o^

~ xx Sarah

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