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"Seriously? Have I given you a real reason to doubt me?"

You ended up following him to his car like a sad puppy despite your frustration. He'd still broken away from his crew and his driver yet again to spend the day with you and as upset as you were, you still wanted nothing more than to stay with him to the end of it. You knew it. You knew he knew it. This incident wasn't enough to crumble the strong foundation the two of you had built in such a short time. The spell was still in full effect and against your mind's judgment, your heart, though sore, had already forgiven him in that lobby. But he still needed to fix things!

You two were now eating a crappy McDonald's breakfast in the McDonald's parking lot. Your face was all on the internet and smeared all across social media as the "bold groupie" and people were picking you apart, comments ranging from insults and lewd remarks about the look, weight, and shape of your body to your assumed hoe nature. There was a meme. Already. Sources questioned who you were. Fans questioned what claim you had to their beloved Killmonger. Erik took away your phone so that you'd stop reading what everyone was saying. It only worked you up and getting worked up had never solved a problem.

"You haven't, that's why I'm still with you because I realize that, but I swear, Erik," you laugh without humor, a threat in your eyes.

"On muvas, I know," he offers and takes a large bite of his Bacon, Egg, and Cheese sandwich.

"As long as you know," you throw back at him. Your breakfast is a Sausage McGriddles and tator tots, on him of course. "This shit gone mess my stomach up," you say belching into your fist, "Excuse me."

"That's what happens when you keep eating McDonald's. I told ya ass we should go out somewhere, but no, you scared," he lectures and you hear so much of Anaya in him.

"I'm not scared nigga, I'm cautious, something we weren't last night and I'm trying to steer clear of any more 'escapades'." He scoffs at your air quotes.

"Nah, you know what? Fuck all that. Once it's out there, shit like this doesn't just fade. There's two approaches you can take. One, you bury yourself in a hole and cry like a little bitch or two, you woman the fuck up and own that shit."

Your eyes narrow and he returns the attitude with a look that says try me.

"You regret being with me last night? Be honest." His dark eyes are deceptively calm. You know there's a storm brewing behind them and as neutral as he's trying to be, he's listening hard.

Anticipating the question, you'd already asked yourself the same thing once you'd calmed down. You sigh, "I'm mad because of how disproportionately this effects me and while I'm glad this doesn't hurt you, I wish it didn't hurt me. I don't regret being with you. If I could do it over, I'd be with you again. I'm with you now."

"This doesn't effect me like it effects you, true, but at least for today until I leave.. what hurts you, hurts me and we can't sit on this shit or it'll get worse for you. We have to be proactive."

"Right and what do you suggest," sarcasm drips from your tone as you face him but he purposely ignores it.

"I say we finish what we started last night, but we turn it up a notch," his fingers stroke your jaw and you pause, chiding yourself for succumbing to his charm and melting into his touch so easily. He has you under his thumb and he knows it. You roll over his words in your mind and his plan becomes clear to you. When you look at him, his dark eyes are trained on your features.

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