i don't need to walk

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Since you first debuted, you’ve been on fire, blazing brightly and unstoppable. You’re currently riding the wave of your summer hit, Love Juice, a smooth ballad of rough straightforward singing with your own classical vocals in the backing. Your skin glows, your crops are watered, and your fan base grows every day.

Even though you’re new to the musical scene, you’ve managed to gain a lot of attention and traction, even snagging a Breakfast club interview where they drilled you with questions.. mostly about your relationship with Killmonger.

They wanted to know everything.. How the two of you met, what he eats for breakfast, what he’s like in bed, where his scars came from, will the two of you get married, does he get jealous or possessive, etc. Erik knew those questions would come and prepared you to expect them and flip them. Most of them you dodged and did not answer. Charlemagne in particular was five seconds from getting an elbow to the face with how personal he was getting, but they did finally ask you questions about your music, the topic you were originally there to discuss. The positive? You felt like you were able to express yourself through your responses and connect but you also spoke up for yourself with a smile, not letting anyone speak over top of you. Erik had already practiced with you ahead of time and judging by the positive articles about you and your face being retweeted, reposted, and reblogged throughout the internet, you were doing an amazing job.

Your man had nothing but kisses and praise for you behind the scenes, even when you weren’t confident and it made you feel like you were on top of the world. It seemed like such a short time ago that you were in Maryland with your best friend Anaya and her then boyfriend Corey. They weren’t married yet.. Your beautiful and spoiled godson had yet to be born. You were miserable in a relationship with a rotten cheater and in a job that was slowly sucking your soul and driving you mad. You weren’t living, you were existing and barely maintaining. It took Anaya to shake you and wake you up out of your depressive stupor.. Corey to make you swallow your pride and put on your big girl panties.. and then Erik to ignite you and push you into your destiny. God bless them all! It was Erik who put your future and your joy before his own emotions and watched over you from a distance for two years making silent moves because he believed in you. A wet tear slips from your eye as you think of how far you’ve come. You’ve officially made it.

“How’s that, Y/N,” a voice says in your headphones bringing you back into the present. You’re in the recording booth, one of your favorite places to be.

“I like that… But I need it funky. What I need is for the vocals to be stacked into layers. I want lead vocal, adlibs, and a layer with me singing pronunciations to make the words stand out.. make it more crisp. You know what? Double the harmonies.”

You switch mics looking for a specific sound and it’s obvious the engineer is partially stressed, but also glad to work with someone who seems to know exactly what they want from melody to pitch to instruments. You had a vision and these people were going to make it happen if it took all day and night. You see one guy shoot a tired look at Erik who’s standing there drinking a slurpee and he just grins. One thing about your man is that he trusts your judgement and always takes your side.. at least in public where it counts. You can literally say “fart in F sharp” and he’ll look at everyone in there and say “get motherfuckin busy.” Why God loved you so much to give you such loyal friends and this amazing man.. you’d never understand, but you’d be forever grateful.

“You working on my next album, I don’t care what else you got goin’ on,” he told you in your shared kitchen. Of course he knew you wouldn’t say no. Afterall you were still his biggest fan aka groupie and knew all of his songs inside and out. Lyrics, arrangements, all of it. He just knew your name now and had sex with you on the regular, that was the main difference. Grinning, you kiss him briefly on the lips and spin around to jet to the stairs. You have to pick up Anaya and baby Anthony from the airport. The two of them flew in to see you and you’re beyond thrilled to take them out on the town. You’ve been looking forward to it for two weeks. Erik’s quick slap on your butt makes you jump and you see his little smile before you take off. He knows you’re excited and rushing to leave.

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