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"Hello, Brother. How was your day?" Orange eyes bore into Tsuna.

"What happened?" Giotto scans over his brother, looking for injuries.

"Why would you think something happened?"

"Because you never call me 'brother' and you are favoring your foot. Also you are hiding your arm behind your body." Giotto's eyebrows furrow, worry obvious on his face. "Those bullies again?" Giotto releases an aura that, alone, looked like it could kill someone.

Tsuna's smile falters and his winds flutter.  He holds his hands out as to calm down his brother. "It's nothing! Nothing that can be done now. I've already been patched up and am fine now."

Possessiveness shines in Giotto's eyes and he answers darkly, "But they touched my brother. They laid a finger on my family and that is not nothing."

Tsuna walks toward his brother. "It would look bad if the demon king attacked someone to defend the 'useless brother.'"

Giotto shoots up as his eyes turn down right murderous. "You are not useless."

"I know but everyone else still thinks that. Besides, you don't even know who they are."

Sighing, the blond sits back down. "Ok, but... tell me if it gets too bad. You're still my brother, reputation or not."

Tsuna smiles as he plops down in one of the chairs in front of his brother's desk. Giotto smiles, "How was your day? You know, besides the whole bully thing?"

The brothers talked for hours. At some point they had moved to the couch in the corner. "And remember when we got lost after taking that trail?"

The boys cracked up laughing. "G was so upset with us after. He thought we died," Tsuna spoke through the laughs.

Once the boys calmed down Giotto looked at Tsuna with warm eyes, eyes only shown to his family. "You have grown up so fast."

"I'm 3,000 years old. Not exactly fast, Gio," Tsuna chuckled.

"It still seems like only yesterday that you came home with dad. I remember walking into your nursery and seeing you sleeping in your crib." Eyes clouded with nostalgia, Giotto looked at the wall, as if watching the very memory.

"Yeah, but no one could predict how I became the useless son."

Giotto snapped his head toward his brother. "How many times do I have to tell you not to do that? You are not useless no matter what the others say. No one here thinks your useless and we would gladly fight anyone who says so. No matter what, you are my little brother and I'm proud to be your big brother."

Tsuna just sits there in silence before smiling brightly. "Thanks, Gio."

Giotto reaches over and ruffles the brunet's hair. "No problem, Tsu."

The brunet pouts at his messed up hair and catches sight of the clock. Giotto follows his eyes. "Is it that late already? You go ahead and head to bed. I'm going to clean up here."

Tsuna says, "Ok! See you in the morning."

"See you then."

As Tsuna closes the door he hears one last thing. "Remember, Tsuna. You are my brother,  my family. No matter what I will be here for you."

Tsuna smiles and continues on his way to his room.


I wanted to get this out here.
For the record, they only have a brother like relationship. No G27.
I do want to know if there should be a pairing in this story.
Comment which one if you want one.

Hope you enjoyed!
Until next time!
See ya!

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