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Welp. Voting for Tsuna's relationship is over with one vote. Thank you to Sandra_Elloisse for voting!

Prepare for some R27.

The wind plowed against his face as he flew fast away from the bullies. He finally saw a large tree and flew into it.

He had only been heading home from school when they spotted him. Mochida and Osamu. The most popular demons in his class.

They had caught him in a dead end hallway and started to beat him up. He had only just barely managed to spread his wings at the right time to knock them both off balance. He then, having no other way out, flew out the window.

Thus leads him to his current predicament: being stuck hiding in a tree. His bullies were just under it, he could hear them.

"He went this way!"

"Then where is he, idiot?!"

"I don't know! Maybe he's in a tree! Search them!"

He could hear them in the trees nearby. He was wrapped in his black wings, curling into a ball to seem smaller. He forced his breath lower and focused on lowering his heartbeat. Once the demons got closer it would be deathly obvious.

"Hey! I see something up there! I think they look like black feathers!" They were right underneath him.

"Well let's go check it out." They made noises on the way up, wood breaking, leaves shaking.

They wouldn't be able to fly like him. He could fly through the branches, his feathers protecting from their sharp jabs. Any other demon, though, would have no such luck. The branches could puncture their wings and send them tumbling to the ground. This should have helped relieve him, but it only seemed like it was drawing it out. He could hear them clawing their way to the top, to him.

"Hey! Dame-Tsuna! We see you! Come on down!" He flinched.

"Yeah! We just want to give you something!" That something was never good.

"Dame-Tsuna! You're just drawing out the inevitable!" Wow. And here Tsuna was thinking Mochida was at the level of a 5th grader. That's easily 6th grade. "Just come down, Dame-Tsu-"

"What are you doing." Tsuna perked up. Could it be-?


"I won't ask again. What. Are. You. Doing. On. Sin. Property."

"Sorry, sir!" They scream as they run away.

A heartbeat. Two. Then a sigh.

"Tsuna, come down from there." The branches brush harmlessly against Tsuna's skin as he drifts down. He came to a stop in front of the raven sin.

He leaned on one foot, as to avoid agitating his bruise and twisted foot. He was covered in bruises. Some were old. But the bright red, already turning purple, ones stood out against his skin. His nose was bleeding and his hand didn't want to move to much more than it was already. He could have broken something but he couldn't remember.

Reborn looked angry and almost sad for the person in front of him. He picks up the small demon, careful of his wounds. He turned on his heal and started to head in the direction he came from, the Sin mansion.

The other Sins were considerably worried for the brunet but left it to the raven to deal with, knowing Reborn would take care of him.

So here he was, with his shirt off, in front of the raven haired Sin, who was bandaging his injuries. The dark aura was radiating off of the sin. He was angry.

"Reborn?" The sin looked up, a dark look of anger on his face. Tsuna flinched and looked down.

Reborn's look softened after that. He held the demon's cheek, forcing eye contact. "Why didn't you call me?"

"I didn't want to bother you."

"But you still came to Sin territory?"

"I didn't mean to. This place just seems safe. I flew here without thinking."

The demon looked down, again, only to be flicked in the forehead. He looked up at the attacker.

"You're not a bother."

"But you could have been busy or someth-"

"I would still come."


"And your brother could be ther for you."

"But he's got kingly stuff to do-!"

"And your grandfather?"

Tsuna was at a lost for words.

"You're not alone, Tsuna. We're all here for you. And you're not a burden. We want to help you." Tsuna just leaned forward, resting his head on Reborn's shoulder.


"I promise."

It seemed to break something in Tsuna as tears poured from his eyes. Reborn held him in the dark, as he cried the tears he kept hidden from his family.

Reborn, Giotto, Grandpa, G., all of them. They're here for him.

And he's thankful for it.

And he's thankful for his Sin, for helping him realize it.


So, there is a little R27 for your soul.
The reason I wanted to know what pair was because this chapter was focused on Reborn's relationship with Tsuna. I wanted to know how close to make them and the difference in pairing needed to be decided before that.

Anyways! Thanks for reading!
I hope you enjoyed it!
See you next time!

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