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Ok. Since no one commented about what pairing, I came to give a warning that you have until next chapter to decide.
That's all I have to say so...

He was late. He was talking to Ricardo about how his studies are. Ricardo was about his brother's age. When Tsuna's parents died, the cousins became the best of friends. Ricardo was the one to witness it and him and the brothers grew closer because of it.

Tsuna got distracted. He ended up running away from his cousin, hoping to reach the house in time. When he got there he was rushing through the back door, no time to go around to the front.

A flash of red drew his eye toward the kitchen. In it, Lal, Collonello, and Fon were sitting around the table eating lunch. It was strange to see the sins of Wrath, Envy, and Pride all at peace, but Tsuna had bigger things on his mind. "Hi, Fon, Collonello, and Lal!" He greeted as he zoomed past.

They all returned greetings and returned to their lunch, confused on what made the brunet in such a hurry.

Tsuna passed the living room where the sin of greed and the sin of sloth were in front of the TV. Mammon was counting his money while Skull's gaze was captured by whatever was on the screen. Tsuna greeted them just the same and they smiled. Mammon nodded his head in greeting while Skull yelled "Hello!" to the now again running demon.

He rushed up the stairs passing a sin of gluttony, Verde. He waved to the green haired demon and continues on his way.

He finally gets to the top of the stairs and stops in front of a door. He walks in to see the sin of lust sitting at a desk. When Reborn looks up, Tsuna starts to apologize for being late.

He is cut off by Reborn's chuckle. "Don't you remember? You were going to visit your grandfather today. You're not late to meet me. Though, I am pretty sure you were supposed to be there an hour ago."

Tsuna froze. He turned around and zoomed back down the stairs and out the front door, leaving amused sins in his wake.

When he finally reached the mansion in front of him, the guards stopped him. "You can't go in there."

This fazed him. Didn't they know who he was. "Dame-Tsuna! Are you listening!" Welp, it looks like they do.

"You can't just march into Lord Timoteo's home! A dame-demon like you should never dirty the halls with your presence." The guard didn't notice the dark aura leaking out from behind him. Tsuna looks around to see a familiar face.

"Uncle Coyote!" The guards turn around to see that, indeed, said demon was behind them, radiating an aura darker that they had ever seen.

It diminishes quickly though when the brunet smiles and rushes over. "You're a little late Tsuna."

Tsuna runs the back of his head. "I got distracted talking with Ricardo and mixed up the days. I ended up heading over to the Sins' house and Reborn had to tell me where to go." With every name mentioned the guards flinched. This kid knows the Ricardo and the Sins! Especially, Reborn.

Coyote reaches his hand and pets the top of Tsuna's head. "I'm sure Timoteo would love to see you."

The brunet perks up. "Can you take me to Grandpa then, Uncle Coyote?"


The guards felt screwed. Coyote turned to them. "Report to Viscoti at the end of your shift." Then, he left with the brunet, leaving the guards quaking in their boots.

Tsuna was led through the house. He said hello to maids and butlers and the other various demons who recognized him. When they finally reached the garden, Tsuna could see his grandfather sitting at a table enjoying some coffee.

Timoteo turns and smiles his old grandfather smile. "Tsuna! I thought you wouldn't make it."

"Sorry, grandfather. I lost track of time."

Timoteo waves it off and puts a cup of tea in front of him. "It's no matter, child. I'm just glad you could make it."

Tsuna takes a seat and the two talk about what's happening in their lives.

Tsuna's grandfather was the previous King of Hell before Giotto. He had retired about a thousand years ago and Giotto had taken up the mantle. Timoteo was one of the oldest demons around and had the wisdom to prove it. Tsuna, for this reason, loved to visit him. The stories he had were some of the best and would always captivate Tsuna within the details.

After Iemitsu and Nana died, Tsuna grew even closer to his remaining family, Timoteo especially. They became his anchor and his home. When things got rough with the bullying of the other demons, he could always count on his family to be there for him, especially his brother.

His brother's and his grandfather's councils were also there for him. G and the rest of the his brother's council were like brothers to him, while Coyote and the rest of Timoteo's council were like uncles to him.

When he met the Sins, he was happy. They became another branch of his family, another safe haven. He enjoyed being there for Verde's experiments and for Skull's stunts. He was always there to train with Fon and Lal. He was there for every fight between Collonello and Reborn, even having to break one up himself. Mammon allowed him to help count his money and Collonello would tell him stories of his jobs.

Reborn was Reborn. He trained Tsuna and guided him into being a stronger person. He saw the weak demon hiding from his bullies and decided to help. He introduced him to the Sins. He built up his self-confidence. He was there when the bullies broke it down. He was there for Tsuna when he needed it most and Tsuna couldn't be any more grateful.

So as he sits in the garden with his grandfather, listening to another story, he couldn't help but thank whatever god gave him his family.

An extra long chapter for not publishing in a while.

Again, I need you to vote on a pairing or it will end up being an R27. Remember, the only one not allowed is G27.

I will be eventually adding the tenth generation so you can vote on pairings there as well.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter
See ya next time!

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