Chapter 1

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I drove all the way home without looking back, I couldn't believe what I had just witnessed. I had drove to my boyfriend, Ryan's house to surprise him but soon retreated when I saw him kissing some girl outside his front door. He must have heard my car because while I stared in shock he looked up, his eyes going wide.

"Ellie! Wait, it's not what it looks like!" He shouted across the street.

I wound down my car window so he could hear what I had to say.

"Well it looks pretty clear from here!" I screamed back, then pulled away in my car not giving him a chance to reply.

It's not the first time this has happened. It's happened three or four times before, I just always forgive him thinking he will keep his promises never to do it again. Well I was always wrong, he never kept any of his promises.

I turned my car off and sat in the driveway of my house just in complete silence, until I felt tears start to trickle down my face. More tears spilled from my eyes until I began to sob wresting my head on the steering wheel of my car, my hands clenching the wheel. My knuckles turned white from the rage and anger I had as well as the sadness. I just felt betrayed, this was the start of another cycle where tomorrow Ryan will apologies, make promises he can't keep, and I will forgive him, then it will all happen again. Why do I always give into him? Maybe it's because he was my first love and I just can't seem to give him up. They always say you never get over your first love, what if I can never give Ryan up? What kind of relationship is that, where I just sit around all day waiting for him to come home from being with some other woman? Not a good one, but I love him too much.

I slowly started to calm down and collect myself enough to move and get out of my car. I grabbed my keys and headed up the driveway to my front door. I unlocked the door opening it then flicking the lights on to my very empty house. It sucked never being able to go home to anybody some days, it would be nice every now and then to have someone to comfort me at times like these. Maybe I should consider getting a roommate, or a pet, or something just so I wasn't so alone all the time. I went over to the couch grabbing the TV remotes on the way, then lazily I slumped down onto the end of the couch. I flicked through the channels trying to find something good on TV, but nothing was really that appealing to me probably because I couldn't get my mind off Ryan. All of a sudden my phone rang making me jump. It surprised me because it was ten O'clock at night, nobody ever called this late. Maybe it was Ryan so I let out a little sigh and picked up the phone.

To my surprise it wasn't Ryan, it was Jenna a friend of mine who worked on Glee. She played Tina Cohen Chang, I met her because I got a job helping choreograph some of Glee's dances. I am only needed every now and then to come onto the set but when I'm not needed on set I come up with new routines to present as ideas. It was a good job with a good income, and I could do a lot of it from home. Jenna was the one out of the cast I became closest to seen as though I have choreographed most of her performances, we have become very close because of this. Jenna was the only other person that knew about my issues with Ryan, I felt she was the only other person I could trust.

"You ok?" She asked, obviously hearing the sadness in my voice.

"Ya, I'm fine!" I lied, trying to put more enthusiasm into my speech.

"Well don't forget you're coming in tomorrow to help with mine and kevin's dance routine," she reminded me.

"Ya, don't worry I'll be there!" I replied.

We said good-bye to each other before hanging up our phones. Once I put the phone down I smiled becoming more happy knowing I got to go and dance with Jenna as well as Kevin tomorrow. They had a dance they were doing but I didn't choreograph this one, whoever did was sick and couldn't make it in so they asked if I could help them. They were going to show me a video tomorrow of the dance and then we were going to work from there.

I looked and the clock and saw it was ten minutes to ten-thirty and decided to head to bed because of having to be up early in the morning. I know we were going to be working on the dance for most of the day because Jenna and Kevin's schedules got cleared just to work on the dance. They didn't have much more time to work on it, especially with the original choreographer sick.

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